What I'm going to do, because I think it will work out pretty well for me, is do a 24 hour fast each week. From Sunday after dinner to Monday evening. So basically about 6pm to 6pm. This will be a zero calorie fast. And then do a 3 day fast on the first Sun. - Wed. of every month. That will keep it consistent and regular and I won't have to guess. And all points in between I will continue to eat the low carb/ketogenic lifestyle I've been doing.

Everyone's known for a long time that sugar holds absolutely zero nutritional benefit. It's only used as a reward or a feel good. It's time to stop. Unless you don't care about your health or the health of those you give food too.
But a little bit is ok, right? Maybe. That's for you to decide for yourself. So stop giving out lollipops to kids. I don't care if you are their parents bank teller, the gas station attendant, or their teacher. KNOCK IT OFF. There are a ridiculous amount of alternatives that don't have the toxic effects of sugar. You just have to learn what they are.

Why do you think type 2 diabetes is running rampant in our country today? SUGAR!!!! The more you eat the more your pancreas has to produce insulin to convert it to energy and eventually, just like everything else in your body, it wears out. Guess what? You may not need to take insulin! You may be able to self regulate! By changing your diet!
End rant. Have a nice day and I hope I'm that devil in your ear that guilts you when you eat sugar. But I'm only there because I love you and care about you. Honest. I'm the dude that carried jelly belly jelly beans around in my pocket and handed them out to kids too. Creepy. So don't think I don't know the struggle. And if I can kick sugar to the curb, so can you. So please don't think I'm ripping on you! I care about your healthy and want you to be happy and healthy!
But what the hell, we all die anyway right?
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