Sunday, April 23, 2017

Not feelin it.

I don't like talking about personal shit on here anymore.  Y'all probably think I do.  But I don't.  Because if I even began to talk about the things that go on in my head, many of you would freak out and want me admitted somewhere.  Or maybe you wouldn't.  Truth is...fuck....does anyone even know what the truth is?  Would the real truth please stand up?  Anything?  Anyone?  Yeah....didn't think so.

The only real truth is that we are here.

I often wonder how the world (mainly america) would look if we all had to work for our basic needs on a daily/weekly basis.  It seems as though most people work to grow something that's not a basic need for a paycheck to provide their basic needs.   For example, I paint houses.  Painting your house in not a basic need.  But you pay me to do it and I use that money on basic needs.   I'm working at something that's not a basic need to provide for my basic needs.

Does any of this make sense?

But I guess this is growth.  That's how we work now.  If anyone wanted to really cripple america, all they would need to do is shut down our grid.  It wouldn't take long before people would turn into savages and start killing each other to survive.   Would anyone really know how to survive?

I often wonder how the more technologically advanced we get effects ones mental health.  I wonder what happens to your mind when you stop working to provide for your basic needs.  You still work, but your basic needs are well beyond taken care of.   Then you start working for the pleasures.  You start working for the fun stuff.  The vacations, the retirement, the bigger house, the nicer car and who knows what other luxuries.  People say it all the time....even people that seem to have "everything" still aren't happy.

Anyway...just some random thoughts floating around in my head.

The blogging is going to stop soon.  This shit is getting old.

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