Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Vomit's R Us

A bug has hit our home.  My son threw up twice last night.  First time it was a hot dog and peppers.  Then it was the rest of the pepper.  This morning it was about two ounces of orange looking liquid. Perhaps pepper juice.   He just ate about 30 cheerios and had some water 10 minutes ago.  We'll see what happens.

It's not fun watching your child  with the stomach bug.  There's not much you can do other than count down 24 hours from the onset.  We've got about 8 more hours.  But I'm not telling  myself it's a bug.  We don't have proof.  Therefore there is no reason to suspect anyone in the house will catch it.  Typically though, if one of our children has a bug for sure, I will fast.  If no food goes in, no food can come out.  And you are only just uncomfortable for a day or two.

This is my life today.  Keeping the kids separated and cleaning everything.  No need to set the house on fire.  Yet.

On the flip, little man is extra cuddly today.

Could be worse.  He could have crawled into a gorilla exhibit.

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