Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Anxiety in the Gym

Last night, I had the wonderful opportunity to take my niece to her gymnastics lessons.

Never mind they misspelled "practicing"
Little background info.  3 months ago I would have found every excuse in the book to not go.  Anxiety is a bitch.  Walking into a new place not knowing what the layout is,  who will be there, where will I stand (or where will I hide?), and thinking that everyone there will be wondering who this new creepy guy is at gymnastics class are just some of things that would have crossed my mind.  I wish I was joking.  But this is anxiety.  Thankfully, a little white pill called Buspar has really helped me overcome.  You might laugh....but it's a real struggle for so many people.  

And here I sit, watching children of many different ages, ethnicities and sizes running around playing on trampolines, parallel bars, foam pits, rock walls, giant bungee cord jumping things, balance beams, vaults and just about everything that screams fun.  

Little more background info....anxiety also makes you a little bit paranoid that someone will get hurt.  At playgrounds and any other place children were running and playing, I was constantly scanning and trying to see every little thing that could possibly go wrong and do my best to prevent it.  

I've got none of those feelings now.  Kids will get hurt.  Yes, you want to keep them safe.  But accidents happen.  Maybe it's because my kids aren't out there doing all of these ground and aerial gymnastic moves.....yet.  This looks like fun.  This is the kind of stuff I wish I could have done as a child.  Hell...I wonder if they have grown up classes.  I could do all the things that don't involve my left wrist!

Anyway.  My niece seems to have a real knack for this stuff.  She really seems to enjoy it.  

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! It sounds like this was a huge step for you.

    Anxiety has caused so many issues for me, and at times, it still does. I have two anxiety disorders--general, and social--and they have made things crazy difficult. Being a full-time reporter with those issues was probably the hardest thing I've done, but looking back, I find myself super proud of what I overcame.

    Hope you get to enjoy your niece's gymnastics more often!
