Sunday, January 1, 2017

Just another day.

It's the first blog of 2017.  No.  It's not.  Not for me. It's just another one in a long string of consecutive posts.  I try not to write about the same thing over again.  But it's been about 300 days.  I might have to start doing that.  Maybe tomorrow.

What's your new years resolution?

Why?  Why did you pick that?  What is it about that one thing you want to change?  Unless the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change, you won't do anything about it.  I can assure you.

Creating a new habit is hard to do.  It requires commitment.  You can't cheat it.  You can't "kind of" make a change.  You have to go at it 100%.

So whatever your goals are, whatever you want to do.  Do it.

Lets hear some new years resolutions.  What do you want to do?  What are your plans to do it?  What goals do you have?  What junk do you want out of your life this year?  Tell us!

What resolutions have you succeeded with in the past?

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