Sunday, January 29, 2017

But You STILL Text and Drive.

This won't be filled with information.  This is me being frustrated.  I'm flabbergasted.  This ban on refugees.  Why?  I don't understand.  There hasn't been a single death in America by a refugee since 9/11.  We have an AMAZING vetting process.  It can take 2 years and involves a ridiculous amount of agencies.  We have nothing to fear from terrorists coming in and disguising themselves as refugees.  NOTHING.  And even if one of out 100 did...I know I'd be willing to take that chance.  I'd be willing to let the fine folks that screen them all do their jobs and find them.

Why do I say nothing to fear?  You are at a greater risk being killed the moment you get in your car and go for drive.  A FAR GREATER RISK.  Do you know how many people text and drive?  It's dangerous out there!!!!

This ban is nothing more than religious discrimination.  It's a fuck you to an entire religion.  It's a giant gift to terrorist organizations.  What a marketing tool.  America doesn't want you join us.  Make them pay.  This ban will only serve to make America more of a target.

I still have faith in the American people.  All across the country protests are happening at international airports. I have faith the the American people will do the right thing.  Fight against tyranny.  We turned away Jews and they died.  Lets not turn away humans fleeing war torn countries. They will face certain death should we send them back.  Could they go to another country, sure.  Canada said they'd gladly take them.  They have no reason to be scared.  But America....more specifically Trump and his posse, have just put a big old target on the USofA.  Which is really just the S of A now.

I have yet to hear one good reason why this ban is a good thing.  Sure, there are reasons.  But every damn one of the reasons is based on a lie.  Like, it will keep us safer.  Well, we were pretty safe before.  See the first paragraph.  And the ones that were responsible for 9/11?  15 of the 19 came from Saudi Arabia (not on the list of non acceptance).  See what happened in France?  France is totally different.  They don't have nearly the vetting process that we do so comparing them is like comparing the safety of allowing a 10 year old to drive or a licensed driver with a ten year clean driving record.

I hear so many people tell me I'm not being Christ like when I'm so flippantly opposed and downright mean to those that support this bill.  That I've got some sort of plank in my eye.  I was never trying to be Christ like to you.  How Christ like is it to deny widows and orphans entry to the US who are fleeing certain death?  So don't tell me about my plank when violence and murders between americans are still happening.  But we are telling WIDOWS and ORPHANS they aren't welcome here because they might be a terrorist.

1 comment:

  1. I had this bookmarked to read because I wanted to read it when I was sitting down. This pretty much summarizes exactly what I've been saying about it. I'm flabbergasted that so many people are not only so misinformed, but refuse to accept the facts about this, and then accuse the left of being fear-mongerers.
