Monday, January 2, 2017

I Found a Gay Meme

A couple days ago I stumbled across this meme. I really wanted to use it in a blog ripping christians and pastors for being flaming hypocrites and assholes to people that sin differently than they do.  This is one of the things that drew me away from church.  It wasn't that they wanted to live a holy, sinless life.  It was that many wouldn't acknowledge the sins in their own life and chose to ridicule, criticize and condemn a certain people group.  No problem if the pastor watches porn and tells no one.  Speed on the highway?  No problem.  You can still serve.  Did you get divorced?  You can still play in the worship band.  But oh, you're gay?  Shit.  Can't have that.  Yes....many in church leadership say shit.  Get over it.

Let me also be clear.  I don't like to label things as "sin" or not.  I don't think sin means what anyone thinks it means.  The biggest sin though, if we were to label it, is ignoring or pushing away someone in need.  To not welcome all people into community with God, is the biggest sin of them all.  And many churches today are sin factories.  A few years ago I began praying fervently for the LGBT community.  I was the guy that told them all they were going to hell.  That they were perverted and unnatural.  I guess god wanted me to have a change of heart after all that prayer.  Because my attitude and heart changed.  I saw the way churches were treating an already oppressed and marginalized group....I saw the way I was treating them.  Ignoring and refusing to welcome all into the Kingdom of God without stipulations.

Do you believe God speaks to you?  If so, why wouldn't God speak to others too?  There is a reason the greatest Commandment is to love God and then love People.  To love apparently looks different for everyone.  But do you love people the way you love God?  Or do you tell God how you think He should act?  Do you tell God where he is welcome?  Do you tell God he needs to change or he can't be active in the church community?

Loving people doesn't mean behavior control.  It means caring for them, being a friend, listening, praying, and allowing God to work.  You do believe God works right?  I don't think many christians believe in a big God that can do all things.  Maybe that's because there isn't a big God that can do all things.

And about this "image" churches try to create.  When someone in a leadership/volunteer position "sins" they get booted apparently.  Often times it's secret and a lie is told.  I've seen this happen.  Like if a single women gets pregnant.  They can't have her singing on the choir.  They can't condone that.  True story by the way.  Or if an 18 and 16 year old in the youth worship band have sex and she gets pregnant, they clearly can't serve the lord anymore by using their talents.  You wouldn't want people thinking it was ok to do that and still be able to volunteer for the church.    This is just bullshit.  I'm sorry.  People make poor decisions.  It's possible to love God and still screw up, right?  So why punish them?  Why not show the incredible grace of Jesus and accept them and all their faults, and continue to love them unconditionally?   Let's cut the shame and guilt.

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