Monday, January 23, 2017

So much to write about

Some days there is so much to write about and I don't feel like doing any of it.  So I'll just write about not wanting to write.

Screw it.  I don't even want to do that.

There's lots of hate out there on the internet.  There's lots of name calling, criticizing, condemning and flat out hurtful talk.  I don't want to add to that.  I've been trying to do a good job of not.  If it is criticism, I always mean it to be constructive.  Like when I question and call out christianity.  I'm not calling into question character of many people I know who call themselves christians.  I'm questioning the deep rooted ideologies and theologies that have now led Christianity to what it is today.   I think there is a disconnect between what we call Christianity in America and what the bible actually says.  People worship men, big wig preachers like Franklin Graham, Joel Osteen, John Piper, and so many others that I'm so far out of the loop I don't know who they are. I go again.

What I wanted to say was that if you need to distance yourself from social media, do it.  You aren't going to miss out on anything.  There is nothing there that will add more value to your life than paying attention to those around you.

You phone can't give you a hug.

Yesterday I had the NFC Championship game on.  My son was grounded from electronic games for the day because of some poor behavior.  I was on my phone, reading through some Facebook groups when he asked me to read him a book.  For the first time in awhile, without hesitation I put my phone down, pulled him up on my lap and read to him.  There is NOTHING.  Let me repeat that.  There is NOTHING on your phone or Facebook that is more important then the real life people that are around you on a daily basis.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't one of those guilt trip messages about you being a shitty person for being on your phone at all times.  It's just a reminder that when there are real people in the vicinity, don't forget about them.  

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