Tuesday, January 3, 2017

You can be a loser too.

It's January 3rd.  Many people want a fresh start this new year.  Lot's of people want to lose weight.  And I'm here again to extend another invitation to those that want to experience the best weight loss plan ever that is doesn't require a subscription, membership to a gym, supplementation, shakes, wraps, pyramids, or workout videos.  I stand to gain absolutely nothing from you other than the sheer joy of watching you shed the extra pounds you know that you need to lose.  How do I know this?  Because you've told me and several others countless times.  You also tell yourself this every time you look in a mirror or see a picture of yourself.  You didn't realize how much extra weight you put on.  I know, I've been there.  A couple times.

Hard to do this without sounding like an infomercial.

What's the scariest thing about losing weight?  Is it a fear?  Do you not have the energy?  Do you think you lack the willpower?  Something is holding you back from not just starting...but continuing.

Tasteless are what most diets are.  That's why you still
have cravings.  They try to substitute real food when you just need
to eat real food.  
I used to hate diets.  I've done several.  They've all been calorie restrictive.  I didn't really watch what I ate as much as I tried to control how much of what I ate.  It was restrictive.  I hated that.  I got sick of eating salads, fruits, yogurt, lean meats and low fat foods.  I wanted substance.  And not only that, I had to work really hard at exercise.   Not gonna lie, it sucked and wasn't sustainable.  And anytime there was a birthday party, picnic or night out with friends I cheated.  I couldn't help myself.  And one cheat meal because two.  Two became a day and usually I was happy with the 10-15 pounds lost and tried to "maintain".   It doesn't work.  Because I was doing it wrong.  Some people can lose weight that way and create a lifestyle out of it, great!  It doesn't work for most people.  Because even the healthy low fat desserts?  Taste like cardboard.  Our bodies crave REAL food.

Does any of that sound familiar?

Change is hard.  Especially eating.  Because in 2017 America food isn't just for sustenance.  It's for entertaining and social activities.  Anything you do there is food involved.  Most people even keep snacks in their car.  There are snacks and food everywhere you look.  Change takes commitment.

I push fat adapted living/ketogenic eating so much because it works.  It's healthy.  And it's the only diet that I've been able to sustain and continue to lose weight and maintain weight without working out.  And no....lots of people are selling this keto o/s supplement.  YOU DON'T NEED IT.  Unless you have cancer or a neurological disease, it may help a little bit with that.  Other than that, it's a complete waste of money.  Your body will make ketones for free.

My wife and I both follow a Keto diet.  She's actually the one that introduced me to all the wonderful keto foods you can eat following this plan.  And when I say plan, there are some but you don't "need" an eating plan.  You just need to know what you can eat.  And it's a lot of options of things you can eat.  Things I'd never dreamed of eating on a diet.  It's hard to call this a diet.

And listen...I've heard people say, "But Jon gets good results because he goes crazy with whatever he decides to do."  If going crazy is choosing to make a change and committing to it, call me crazy.  I got good results by changing what I eat.  

And this is just the weight loss portion of cleaning up your diet.  There are so many other benefits that you'll learn along the way.  IT'S NOT HARD.  Trust me.  Tomorrow I'll tell you exactly what I did.

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