Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Daniel Fasts and Bug Off, Mate.

I'm just getting some stuff off my chest.  And I'm really struggling with posting this.  I'm not sure why.  Maybe because I know a few people might think I'm an asshole for having an opinion about stuff.  Or maybe I'm even wrong about stuff.  But if everyone that was wrong about stuff kept their mouth shut, this world would be awfully quiet.  Everything "could" be wrong.  But there could be short term advantages to some things that might not be good in the long run.  This doesn't make them bad.  This just means they are a stepping stone to something better.  So this daniel fast thing...even though I rip it pretty good, it is a stepping stone to something else.

Couple things. Nah.  Just one.  I had a friend bring up the Daniel Fast yesterday.  I had actually looked into this in the not so distant past.  I've even done something similar to this.  What is this you ask?  Here is the Danial Fast.   And here is the food list.  Note the bible verse at the top.    I basically replied that you don't need to do any special daniel diet to accomplish a closer relationship with God.  I admire people that want to "sacrifice" and "deny" certain things in order to deepen that relationship.  I just have a problem with using the Daniel Fast to do it.  While it may work.... I'm not saying it doesn't.  I do have some concerns.

First, I am aware it's not a fast.  It's not really even a partial fast like they claim.  It's just restricting the consumption of certain foods.  Which is fine.  But there really isn't a any rhyme or reason to their food choices.  Remember that bible verse at the top of the food list?  Daniel says in the book of Daniel that he won't consume "pleasant" foods.  But fruit is on the list?  Fruit is a luxury.  The kings and their people ate fruit.  But you can eat fruit, even fruit juice, which is nothing but sugar and none of the fiber.  But VERY pleasant to the tongue.  And nut butters?  You can eat nut butters?  Have you tried macadamia nuts?  Or even macadamia nut butter?  And you can have an unlimited quantity?  SERIOUSLY?  

There are no restrictions on the amount of foods you can eat on this plan.  So many of the foods on the "can eat" list trigger your appetite.  And there are no restrictions on the amount of things you can eat. There are foods on the do not eat list that are healthy for you.  But just because a food is healthy or good for you, doesn't mean it's an all you can eat buffet.  Even some of the foods on the "safe to eat" list when eaten in large amounts with each other, are not healthy for you.  

If you want to really experience a fast to grow spiritually and deny yourself pleasures, eat real food.  Don't buy anything from inside of the grocery store, except for maybe nuts.  And anything that's on the outside that has more than 2 or 3 ingredients, leave it alone.  And limit yourself to certain amounts.  

I just don't understand this Fast/Diet whatsoever.  To me, it seems like someone trying to find a "bible-based" diet and make another church program out of it.

Again.  If you want to do it to grow spiritually, I admire that.  I really do.  I want people to grow in their faith.  I just don't think this is a really well thought out plan of how to do it.  Mainly because I know a little bit more about food and what's good for you or not.

Anyway...had to get that off my chest.  My big beef for this daniel fast, it's no fast at all.  You have an unlimited amount of food to eat.  If you want to do a spiritual fast you really have to get rid of more food.  There are LOTS of comfort foods on this food list.

That being said.  If you do have a horrible diet, this probably isn't too bad of a place to start.  Not the best...but not bad.  But don't go into it for health reasons.  Remember, it's about growing spiritually.  I think you probably would be challenged on this diet if you ate nothing but junk until this point.  But it's not the best diet to sustain for the rest of your life.  But it will help you change some habits and you will probably lose weight.

If you want an eating plan that will really challenge you, stick with up to 150g of fat, 75g limit of protein and limit of 20g of net carbs per day for 3 days.  And the following 18 days, kick your fat limit to 75g per day.  NO SUGAR.  and get crazy and use no artificial sweetener.  This will challenge you.  But you'll be ok.  You're body will naturally produce ketones which are great for your brain and body.

But whatever, people are gonna do whatever they are gonna do.  And that's fine.  As long as you are happy with your choice and your going to commit to it.

Sometimes I feel like an asshole.  But whatever.  I know my intentions are good and I just want people to think about the decisions they make.  Sometimes I'm glad for my gives me a lot to write about.  But damn is it exhausting.  And a lot of times people assume I'm just trying to be an ass.  I'm really not.

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