Monday, January 23, 2017

Rock for Life

To be fair, I started this one a few days ago.

It's been well over 10 months straight of writing everyday.  While there is ALWAYS something to write about, I don't always want to.  But here I sit.  Writing about not really wanting to write, about a topic that I haven't decided on yet.

I was going to share a few thoughts on abortion.  But that would be really heavy and I don't want to go into great detail.  So I'll stick with my plan and share a ONLY a few thoughts and not go into great detail.  Pro-Choice does not mean Pro-Abortion.  I don't know of anyone that actually roots for abortions to happen.  Pro-Life doesn't really mean Pro-Life.  It usually means anti-abortion.  Being Pro-Life should not stop at the womb.  And last I checked, there was several million orphans around the world that need fed, housed and educated.  So for everyone that loves children, there's a lot of work that needs done.  Sadly, the majority of hurt that comes from abortions stems from hate filled, judgmental christians that just want to hear themselves talk about how bad abortion is.  Do your faith a favor and try love, grace, compassion, empathy and understanding.  You know...that stuff Jesus did.

I say that not to be condescending.  I think you believe that what you are doing is right.  I, too, was once on the pro-life side.  And speaking for myself, all I cared about was ending abortion.  I didn't really care about any of the live's that were impacted.  I still have a box that I carried guitar cables around that's filled up with "Rock for Life" stickers.  Some of them say, "Thanks, Mom.  I got born."  And even one that said "Abortion is Murder."

I do think that you care about life.  I just think that focusing on being anti abortion isn't the right way to go about promoting your zeal for life.  What about fighting to make it easier to get an adoption?  And how about programs to help support the mother who is giving her child up for adoption?  More education on what sex is, what it does and some of the results of being sexually active.  I just see way to many focused on just being anti-abortion, as if it wasn't obvious enough.  I'm with you.  I don't like that abortion's happen.  I wish that when finding out one is pregnant that a women is not so scared that she resorts to abortion.  How can we eliminate that fear?   Lets take a look at this passage from the book of 1 John.

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. Whoever fears is not perfect in love.  We love Him because He first loved us.  If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For whoever does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?  We have this commandment from Him: Whoever loves God must also love his brother."

To you pro-lifers, do women around the world get a feeling of love from you?  Have you asked?  Do you care?  Do you trust God enough that all you need to do is love one another despite the decisions that make? stats.  No figures.  Just a few thoughts.  It's a deep topic with lots of emotions tied to it.

I have seen way to many "christians" call anyone that has had an abortion a murderer.  Please stop.  This is not helpful nor is it true. me when Jesus would have done something like that.  And he lived in day when abortions happened in back alleys.  He knew about abortion, yet his primary message was to love people.   I know, it's complicated.

I would venture to guess that christianity's fear of talking about sex has led to more abortions than anything else.  There is a shame when it comes to sex in christian cultures.  Do you remember in church growing up, the flower?  It started as something beautiful then they passed it all around the room and when it got back it was missing pedals, leaves and all tattered.  Then it was used as an example of what you were if you had sex.  You were beautiful.  Then you shared yourself.  And now you aren't.  What bullshit.  What complete and utter bullshit.   I'm not sure how it is now in youth groups when the topic is brought up.  But I hope things like this don't happen.

So..christians.  Enough judging.  Enough stone throwing.   Enough trying to be the morality police.  You are just as immoral as anyone else.

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