Tuesday, January 24, 2017

I'm sorry if you felt that way

Why am I going to write all this?  Because.  Sometimes I feel like people get annoyed with me and how much I talk about the ketogenic diet, food and nutrition.  So I feel like I have to explain myself.  It could very well be my anxiety.  Most likely is.  I just want to reiterate, I don't want anyone to ever think that I judge someones character or who they are as a person by what they eat.  EVER.   So if anyone ever felt that way, I'm really sorry.  I just get excited about new stuff I learn.

I know.  I talk about the keto diet like it's the only way to eat.  I know I rave about all the health benefits.  I know I vilify sugar.  I'm now going to vilify soybeans and vegetable oils.  But what I don't want to do is ever come across critical of people and their decisions of what to do or not do.   I may criticize the foods you might eat, but that in no way is me being critical of you or your character.  At all.  Your health and what you eat is entirely up to you.   I know I can be annoying at times.  But you'll have to pardon my enthusiasm about finally taking control of my health.  I've been overweight.  I've struggled with using food to self medicate.  I've gained and lost over 100 pounds through various diets and exercise regimes and I finally found a way of eating that is healthy and I enjoy.   I just want people to be healthy and happy with themselves.  But I also know you don't have to be healthy to be happy with yourself.  

So when I write about diet and nutrition and you are happy and healthy, I'm not talking to you.  So don't think I am.  I'm actually really excited for you!   But there are some people out there that are sick and tired of their physical and maybe even mental health and the answer to their problems could very well be what they are eating or not eating!

The reason I get so ramped up is because there is a lot of new evidence that points to many ingredients found in common food products that cause lost of oxidative  stress to our bodies. Why is in there?  It's cheaper and easier.  But it's not good for you at all!  Things like simple sugars and vegetable oils.  Over time, these things cause lots of damage.  And often times, the problems don't show up for years.    Diabetes is a huge epidemic in America along with heart disease.  Some of this could be genetics, a lot of it is caused the foods we eat.   These ingredients effect all sorts of things even how our bodies heal from injury.

So please don't ever think I'm saying you aren't healthy because you aren't on a keto diet.  I'm just incredibly fascinated by nutrition and how it effects us.

1 comment:

  1. Clearly, I haven't read your blog before, but I have seen your comments on the group. I don't think you have anything to apologize for. I actually wish more people would talk openly about Keto, as I hadn't even heard of it until I joined a group for PCOS support.
