Thursday, January 26, 2017

Let's go to the Movies

Couple months ago I found myself stirring for entertainment after the kids were asleep and before I would go to bed.  I know it's an extreme privilege to have that option.  So I'm not really complaining.

There is a tremendous amount of viewing options.  My wife and I don't always share the same affinity for what we watch.  Speaking of viewing options...there are a lot of good shows.  A LOT.

Here's my problem.  We have about an hour to an hour and a half before we go to bed after the kids.  That's not quite enough time for a movie.  And when you pick a show, you aren't just committing to one night.  You are essentially committing to a several days to weeks of that one show.

Give me a movie.  I want to be able to start and finish a story line in one night.  I might die tomorrow.  I don't want anything unresolved.

Damn first world problems.  Seriously.  How pathetic is it that this is even something I wrote about.

But now that I'm hear.  What the Trump?  What the hell is he doing?  Is this what you wanted the 25% of you voters that voted for him.  3 executive orders in his first week.  Especially you Christians.  What part of what Trump is doing do you feel represents your Christ?  The ban on muslim immigration?  The gag orders?  Being a complete and total dick to the real Americans that have been here long before us? The building of a wall to keep out immigrants?   Kind of flies in the face of a lot of scripture...

But seriously.  Can someone who voted for Trump explain the thought process for all of this?

Don't mistake me, I wanted to give Trump the benefit.  But it's really hard to do that now.  REALLY HARD.  He's a con.  He can't handle criticism.  He puts gag orders on anything that may make him look bad.  DUDE.  YOU ARE THE PRESIDENT.  GROW A BACKBONE.  OR GO TO THERAPY.

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