Saturday, June 11, 2016


Oh.  This sucks.  I thought today was the 100th blog post on my website.  It's not.  It's actually going to be 145.  Only 100 on the year.   So I got up extra early today 4:15 for nothing.  I was going to write a long story about how I told off an old man yesterday.  But since it's not my 100th blog, I'll tell it anyway.  

But first.  A few updates.  I love love love the ketogenic way of eating.  Perhaps I'll start a blog about that.  It's not a diet.  I think the most problem most people fail at diets is because that's what they call them.  Diets.  Diet seems to mean, a short term eating change until I've lost an amount of weight that I'm happy with.  And then I'll start incorporating my old favorite foods back in once I've established healthy habits.  How's that working out for you?  

Those that have decided to find a totally new way of eating are the ones that see continues results.  This is why it's important to find one that's important to you.  So far, following a ketogenic way of eating I have lost just about over twenty pounds, I feel better, I have more energy (now that I upped my fat intake), I sleep better, I have to buy new clothes, I'm down to a brand new belt hole, I don't crave sugars or bread or pasta, and so many other benefits.  I eat a high fat, moderate protein and low carb diet.  I am a fat burner.  All the dangers regarding this diet are total bullshit.  Don't listen to the haters.  Do your own research.  It makes sense.  The Paleo Mom article she wrote was based on studies of children being treated for epilepsy that were forced into a ketogenic state by being fed fake protein shakes and purposely being starved.  Hardly credible for determining the credibility of a true ketogenic diet.  For more information about the Keto way of eating, I recommend the book "Keto Clarity" by Jimmy Moore.  Or any of his podcasts.  Oh, I was serious about losing all the cravings for sugar.  Gone.  Not even on the radar.  My depression and other mental health issues still bug me. But the mental clarity is definitely getting better.  And the ability to go extended hours without getting hungry because you are eating your own ketones is very cool.  

On March 15 2016 I started getting up at 5:30 every day to write.  I haven't missed a day yet.  I love that people read this.  But I don't do it for you.  Well, some days I do.  But most days it's still for me to get up and get things off my chest.  I do want to, at some point, create a blog that's purposeful and has a theme.   The title of the blog is "Stories of Secrets".  It was changed to that from "Thot's o' Life" after someone told me that "thot" has a different meaning.  So I changed it.  

Stories of Secrets was/is intended to be just that.  Stories of Secrets.  SOS.  An international code of distress.  Save our souls.  I want to take input from all of you.  What do you want to read?  What do you want me to share a view on that you can't.  I get emails from people saying thanks for talking about things.  Because they can't.  If they did, their friends, family or co-workers would be either upset or disappointed in the way they think.  So they are glad to hear that they are not alone in their thoughts.  And so am I.  I would love to post guest articles.  Written anonymously if you so choose about something you need to get off your chest.  If you can't do it publicly, it may help to get it out in some fashion.  You are welcome to do that here and I can assure you, you're identity will remain concealed.  Let me know if you are interested.  I'd love to give you a platform.  

I would eventually love to do a podcast.  Podcast's have been so influential to me over the past few years.  Some of my favorites in no particular order, You Made it Weird with Pete Holmes, The Bad Christian Podcast, Don't Feed the Trolls, This American Life, Ted Radio Hour, Keto Talk with Jimmy Moore and the Doc, Intelligence Squared US Debates, The RobCast, Break it Down with Matt Carter, The Liturgists, Ask Science Mike, The Moonshine Jesus show, That God Show, and a few others.  Wow.  I listen to a lot of podcasts.  But I also have a good amount of time during the day to do so.  

I have the equipment to do a podcast.  Maybe someday.  This is long.  I didn't even get to the old man story.  I'll save it.  

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