Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Oh, but our idol is ok.

On the heels of why I'm growing more and more disgusted about the "Christian" culture in america, I bring you todays post about churches and christians allowing their members and friends to continue in a sinful, idol worshipping lifestyle.  If I seem like I'm mocking and joking, I am.  Because this tone is how people feel about this holier than though attitude you tote. Granted, not all churches are like this.  And if your church isn't like this, change your name to remove the word "church".  A friend of mine said a few days ago it's easy to criticize the church.  Yeah.  Too easy.  That's the problem.  I'm criticizing out of love though.

Lets talk about your nuts.  Your doughnuts.  And your pizza parties.  And your pot luck dinners.  And your cakes.  How about all the cookies you give to new visitors?  And all the breakfast, lunch and dinner meetings you ask your pastor to go to.

Food has become an idol.  Food is now the centerpiece of the community.  If you don't have food, it's like people can't talk to each other.  Oh, but I'm oh so glad you offer gluten free wafers at communion.  Well done, good and faithful servant.

Does a Christian baker refuse to sell a cake to an overweight person?  Nope.  Do they keep the the dessert table closed from people at the pot luck?  Nope.  Do they even say anything about the health of the person that is overweight?  Nope.  Guess what.  I don't either.  But we should.  Or maybe we shouldn't.  I want to be careful here.  I know some overweight people.  And honestly, I wish you weren't.  Not because of how you look.  But I know it's not healthy.  I've struggled with my weight for a long time.  I've gained and lost over 150 lbs over the past few years.  At times of my life I'd eat and drink whatever I wanted with no regard to what it did to my body.   I care about how you feel, both mentally and physically.  I know that studies show genetics might be a role in obesity, but that doesn't mean you can't change your eating habits and do some exercising.  That being said, if you love food and want to eat whatever you want, it's your decision.  Even if you know it's not good for your health, YOLO baby!  I, nor, should anyone else treat you bad because of your choice to eat whatever you want.  

My point.  The church seems to have no problem feeding peoples idols.  Food for many people is an idol.  An idol in the sense that they have a hard time controlling their eating habits. Despite their best efforts, within a week or two there will be a picnic or dinner at church and they'll be faced with temptation.  Churches might as well have a full bar at their next dinner.

So why does the church have a problem accepting the homosexual lifestyle?  I have no idea!!! Clearly they engage in all kinds of behavior that is also deemed unacceptable if they really want to get particular.  But why the attention on this one thing? It's enough.  And the fact it took 100 people to be gunned down in the BIGGEST HATE CRIME IN US HISTORY for you to start to change....

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