Sunday, June 12, 2016

Factory Reset

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to have a factory reset?   I do.  All the time.  I wonder what life would be like had I been born to other parents, or in another part of the world.  Think about it.  Even if you were your born into your neighbors family.  Think about how much different your life would be.  Pretty crazy huh?

So don't think for a minute that as a parent you don't have much of influence on your children.  Most of us know we do, but assume that among all of their friends and other influences that we won't affect them as much as everyone else.  Wrong.

Parenting is no joke.  You are shaping young minds for the future.  I know I could be doing better.  But I'm also working very hard to get my shit together.  Are you?

So many people need therapy.  So many people need therapy and they have no idea the need therapy. I'd probably have killed myself a long time ago without therapy.  It really works.  Have you ever wondered why you do some of the things you do?  It's most likely not just because you are fucked up.  It's most likely because it's a conditioned behavior from how you were raised...or not raised for that matter.  And guess what?  You can recondition that shit.  Guess what?  If you don't, it will infect everyone around you.  Including your relationships, your spouse and your children.

When I unpack my childhood with my one of my therapists (yes, i have had a few), I find it easier to find empathy for parents.  Because, at one point, they were children too.  And had parents.  Parents, that probably unknowingly caused a large amount of phycological trauma in their lives too.  And if you don't know how bad it was and began a family of your own, it's so hard to change.

But even if you had a great childhood.  You still develop a way of living and expectation of family.  And sometimes even that still clashes with someone who wasn't raised the same way.

That's all for these thoughts.  I'm probably not the best guy to try to elaborate on how we were raised effects us.  It does.  And it sticks around for awhile.  So when you say, I'm this.  Or I'm that.  And even in the things you think you believe in deeply, like, christianity for example.  Do you?  Or was it part of what you were subjected to as a child and  you never really embraced who you are and what you actually believe.  Or that there may be something totally different.  You can make you.

Next time you are feeling down and you think you can't change, you can.  You just have to want to.

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