Sunday, June 26, 2016

Basic Need Providers Deserve Their Basic Needs Provided and then some.

I turned on punk rock music to write this one to.

I was chatting with a friend yesterday who works his tail off as an author and artist in music and video production and also works all but full time at a very busy restaurant chain.  Not McDonald's, but it makes no difference.  He makes less than $10 an hour.  Also trying to move forward in life, find a place to live, and establish himself.  After taxes, this take home is around $1000-1200 a month.  And this is probably the norm for many people in America.  How do you live on that?  Is it possible, maybe.  But figuring it out would be work in itself.

I'm not going to pretend I have all the answers.  But my opinion is that if a company needs someone to work 30-40 hours a week to keep their business open, they should pay their employees an hourly wage that meets living standards for their area.  Whatever that is.  Or offer lots of bonus opportunities for those that want to pursue more work and income.  Many places don't.  And many of these places don't offer a set schedule so the worker can easily figure out hours for a second job.  Throw a kid into the mix and that usually means expensive day care.

This is a very complex topic. So many different variables.  But I think it's safe to say that the places that mass hire people at minimum wage are also the places making the CEO's and owners a shit ton of money.  Which is great, they probably have a specific skill set that put them in that position.  But what if they didn't have all those employees to prop them up?  You'd think they'd pay their employees a fair wage that showed a glimmer of a reflection of their success.  Since without the employees, they wouldn't be making all the money they do.

Another thing that pisses me off is memes like this one.  I don't want to put a value on the people and worth of what they do.  How much money does the position enable the company to make?   Meme's like this imply that somehow someone demanding a living wage is somehow more "entitled" than the ones working as an EMS.  Ummmm, have you seen the charges in the medical field?  They can easily pay the ems workers more.  Have you seen the military budget?  The gov't can easily pay soldiers more money and offer more long term care.  And aren't you the ones that utilize the services of minimum wage workers EVERY DAY?  What if they all up and quit?  What ever will you do?  Where will you buy your food?  Your clothes? All of your basic needs are purchased at stores that pay their employees less than a living wage.   This would result in you needed more time to take care of your family and less time to earn for yourself.  As it stands now, you can just waltz right in and buy your shit and get out.  What if all of that was gone?

I know there is a lot more than could be written and a lot more that begs to be considered.  I'm also not saying just give people a big raise and not monitor their work skills.  Initiate more expectations and requirements.  If someone is constantly late, find out why.  Lazy worker, disruptive or plain disrespectful?  Fire them.  With more money comes more responsibility.  And expect that.  You still think raising minimum will raise prices?  Well, you haven't been really concerned about that yet, have you?

Another thing...the people that say burger flippers don't deserve $12.50-$15 dollars an hour?  Ok.  Then make your own burgers.  Make your own french fries.  Pour your own coke at home.  Stop eating out.  But if you are going to utilize the services of these ridiculous money making companies that can EASILY afford to pay their workers more, pay them the value they bring to the company.  AS WITH ANY JOB.  It's not about what you do, it's about the value you bring and the money you make for the company.

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