Wednesday, June 22, 2016

What's Your Idol?

You know you have one.  We all do.  Some of us have several.  But none of us really want to admit it.  An idol is typically referred to as something you worship as a God.  What do you we put our effort into.  What is that thing we usually "have" to do everyday that takes away from things that are really important?
I'm not going to start pinpointing all the different things that we place in a high regard.  But you can do a little digging on your own.  Idols, addictions, me they are all very closely related.  Some of them may be beneficial to you while others may not be.  Some of them you might not think are causing you any problems at all...until they do.  And by then you might have some reversal to do. What about the screen you sit in from of every night?  Can you walk away from that?  I'm not saying it's harmful, but would you be able to not watch your favorite shows?  If not, what is it about it that keeps you around other than you like the story?  

Can you poop without using your phone?  Can you go a day without looking at facebook?  Can you stop eating processed foods?  Can you stop drinking?  Can you stop smoking?  

Again, I'm not saying any or all of these things are wrong.  Or if they are right.  I think it would be a fun experiment to find the things you can live without but use them or do them anyway and try to give them up for three days and see what happens.  Sometimes it may be beneficial to take back control of your life. Set some boundaries.  

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