Thursday, June 23, 2016

I'll show you mine if you show me yours

I'm a little over 5 weeks into my HFLC way of eating.  That's high fat low carb in case you were wondering.  By high fat I mean anywhere from 100g - 400g a day.  Usually for me it's around 200-250.  But I haven't really been tracking for about 2-3 weeks.  Low carb is usually around 10-15g per day.  Protein around 75g.

Why?  To train my body to burn fat as it's primary source of fuel instead of carbs.  As well as experience all the health benefits of ketosis.  WITHOUT using some product to put me into it instead of changing my bad eating habits.  It's not that hard.  You just have to do it.

I hear people say they could never give up beer.  Or bread, noodles, or fruit.  Yes.  Fruit.  You can have some low sugar berries though.  In moderation.  With your standard american weight loss diet, you will lose weight with enough diet and exercise.  You are also probably cutting out a lot of processed foods and counting calories.  You have to work really hard.  Forever.  You  still get sugar cravings and have to fight them constantly.  If you can maintain this, you rock!  It's really hard!  Following HFLC, it was hard for 2-3 weeks till you get your diet dialed in.  But then something magical happens.  If you stop eating and drinking carbs, the cravings go away.  It's not even about will power, you just don't want to eat sweets.  It's incredible.  That's one of my favorite parts about this diet.  Most people think in order for it to work, you have to fight those cravings forever.  you don't.  Just for a few weeks.  And after about 6-8 weeks you will become fat long as you didn't cheat.  Then if you do eat to many carbs, you may drop out of ketosis but you losing your fat adaptation status?  That would take many more bad decisions.  And getting back into ketosis is a breeze once you are fat adapted.

Many people ask what my cholesterol is.  What my blood pressure is too.  The short answer, I have no idea.  I called the doctors office to get them checked and they didn't seem to concerned.  So august 4th I'll let you know.  My question is, why are you concerned?  Have you check yours after eating that box of twinkies?  How about your nightly ice cream dish?  How about your instant oatmeal, apple, orange juice and donut in the morning?  Are you as concerned about what YOUR food is doing to your health as you are as mine?  Have you ever considered what that food does in your body to effect not only your physical health, but your mental health as well?

While I think everyone should follow this way of eating, I'm not going to say every needs too.  What are your weight loss goals?  What are your athletic goals?  Do you have any diseases that may be related to what you are, or aren't eating?  Are you sick of all the pills you have to eat to be "healthy", when a diet change might help?  Nothing changes if nothing changes.

If you are interested more in HFLC, listen to people that are experts.  I'm not.  I just listen to podcasts and books about it for 4 hours a day.  But there are several great resources on it.  There are also products that put you into a state of fat burning.  This is NOT nutritional ketosis and will not help you change your eating habits.  Unless you don't care about changing your whatever you want.  I know there might be a time and place to use such product, but if you are interested in the long term over the short term....skip the products.

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