Wednesday, June 8, 2016


I write about those questions no one wants to talk about often.  Like questioning the church and christianity.  I make generalizations sometimes too.   I'm often critical of churches too.  And really, I may be speaking about a small minority of churches.  Why?

Because I get emails every day of people thanking me for talking about the stuff they want addressed and the questions they have but are afraid to talk about it or ask it.  

Wait?  Afraid to share your opinion about something?  Afraid to question something?  That's oppression.  It's hard when you have something that pains and haunts you and you can't talk about it.  I can't imagine the ache to get out what you have hiding inside.  Well, I can actually.  And it's not pleasant.  Why do you think I write every day?  To get this stuff out of my head.  

Sadly, there are some things I can't get out of my head.  They come and go as they please.  And my response is simple.  Hide.  Try to become invisible.  Isolate.  This is my depression. 

I used to respond to people or at least wonder why people that suffer from depression can't just laugh.  Why they can't just fight it.  I know now.   

My way of fighting?  Just fall asleep.  Disappear for a spell.  And hopefully it will be better in the morning.  And it often is.  It's a soft reset.  

Why write this?  I don't know.  Maybe just to let others know that struggle with depressive thoughts, feelings or maybe you deal with depression daily, you are not alone.  But it's hard to even care about that when it has you.  But if you've made it this far, you are stronger than you think.  So, chin up.  We got this.  

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