Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Raising Children is Tough.

Yesterday as I was reading more into the ketogenic way of eating, a thought occured to me. What is corn?  It seems like it's put in everything.  But really, corn, it's not even accepted by our body.  It comes out a day later fully intact.  You know what I mean.  We give it to cows and pigs to fatten them up.  It's not a vegetable.  It's not even good for you.  The only thing truly good for you is if you load it up with real butter and salt.

We have warehouses full of food.  Wait.  Warehouses full of food.  Sitting on a shelf waiting to be shipped off to a store where it will sit on a shelf.  Then you will buy it, sit it on your shelf.  And it stays, edible?  It's been sitting on a shelf for who knows how long and we think it will break down in our bodies and actually be good for us?   C'mon.....

Or we'll do what I used to do.  Exercise so you feel like you can eat whatever you want.  How's that working?

And it's not just us.  We feed our kids this stuff too.  I do it, although I'm really starting to get convicted about the foods I feed my kids.  It's one thing to change what I eat.  It's another to change what they eat and expect whoever watches them to hold that diet.  Figuring this out will be difficult.  But worth it.  Because I care about the long term health of my kids and I don't want to have them addicted to biggest legal drug, carbohydrates.  Don't think their addicting? Try quitting them!  You say you don't have too, ok.  Fine.  Still try it and see if it's not an addiction.  There is a reason they are in everything....carbs are soooo easy to make money off of.

So..speaking of long term health for our kids.  I'd venture to say that what they eay and what they put into their bodies is so much more important than if they say "shit" when they stub their toe instead of "shoot".  I'm not advocating kids start cussing, but I know many parents that beat themselves up if the say certain words around their kids but they feed their kids ho-ho's, cheeto's and fruity-o's all day long that does not add any value at all to your childs physical health.  So don't sweat it when you say "damnit!" when you spill your coffee.  You are doing much worse things to your children in what you feed them.

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