Saturday, June 4, 2016

Meme Theme

I'm going to stick with the meme thing.  I searched for popular christian memes and I'll be honest, some of them were pretty funny.  Most were poking fun at church culture by christians.  But who wants to read about those?

One had that thumbs up winking Jesus saying, "Want to keep Christ in Christmas?  Why not try keeping Christ in Christian instead?"  Yes.  Yes.  Yes.

But there was another with the Joker saying, "Kids curse like sailors in school and nobody bats an eye.  Kids say a prayer in school and everyone loses their minds!"

Two things Christians fight for.  Christmas and prayer in schools.  Prayer in schools always intrigued me.  You'll hear christians up in arms about prayer being removed from school and I'm here like, "wait, how can they do that? How small is your God?"

You do realize you can pray anytime, anywhere, sitting down, standing up, eyes open or eyes closed.  And the best part?  No one has to know you are doing it.  It's the ultimate act of defiance.  It's the one thing that no one can take away from you.  Ever.  And you can get away with praying with no risk.  School is for education.  Sunday School is for praying. Oh but wait.  I have to say the pledge of allegiance.  No you don't.  To this day I refuse to say the pledge.  I do not pledge my allegiance to the flag.  We are not one nation under God.  We are not indivisible.  We do not have liberty and/or justice for all.  Stop fooling yourself.

I remember a song from my youth, I believe it was Audio Adrenaline. You can't take God away from me.  You can take my life, my land, my liberty.  You can lock me up, I'll still be free.  It seems so many christians care so much more about their life, their land, their liberty, and locking people up.

Yes, I'm hard on the church and christianity.  I'm pretty sure God can handle my questioning and critiques.  It's not personal towards any one person or church.  It's based on my observations of american church culture.

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