Wednesday, June 15, 2016

MLM's and a Decision

Along my journey into the ketogenic way of eating, I find myself at a crossroads.  Let me say that over the past month I changed by diet severely.  It was worth it.  Totally.  I do not crave sugar, bread, noodles, beer, whiskey, or wine.  Seriously.  No hype.  All of those were my favorite items to consume.  And I don't eat or drink any of them anymore.  It was hard for a week or two.  Three for the sugar because I used a substitute.  But now, none if it even tempts me.  You might be thinking that's not cool, you like that food.  Well, when you switch over to a new way of eating that gives you a lower appetite, weight loss, lowered triglycerides, increased HDL (the good one), reduced blood sugar and insulin levels, improved blood pressure, and some serious improvements in mental clarity it's hard to miss those old foods.  Few things are as well established in nutrition science as the immense health benefits of low-carb and ketogenic diets.  And who doesn't like a bacon wrapped cheeseburger topped with avocado to help them lose weight and get healthy!!!!

I know, you are confused.  You've been told fat was bad for you by the government.  What else have you been told by the government that isn't exactly true.

It sounds like I'm selling a product.  I'm selling a way of eating that's totally free and no benefit to me.

It is a tough diet to get started on.  Some people experience the keto flu.  As your body transitions from using carbs for fuel to fat for fuel you'll feel it.  Those effects go away.  Knowing you'll lose your belly fat helps through the process.  Me?  I shit a lot for a few days and got a headache.  Nothing out of the norm at that time.   But the keto it is enough to get people to not even try! No problem, you just don't want it bad enough.  And that it is fine.

And some can't get past the food restrictions but won't believe me when I tell them those feelings will pass.   If you do keto right, you won't have cravings for sugary starchy food.

I'm not one for shortcuts.  I don't want to cheat.  If you "hack" and get the same results, all you did was cheat the system.  I'm not a huge fan of that.  Or should I be?   The keto diet has GREAT benefits.  So what if there was a way to put yourself into a state of ketosis to burn body fat?  Scientifically and keto expert backed?  Well, I've been approached by a company to promote that product.  I did some research and the product looks good.  But I'm still experiencing some PTSD from my time in Amway.  I vowed never to do MLM's again.  Why?  When I promote the keto diet now, it's for your benefit.  Because I care about you.  I want you to do the work to be fully pleased with yourself for doing it.  If I push a product instead of the work, it becomes about you...and me making money.  I'm not that guy.  I have no problem making money of me, I do it for a living.  In 15 years of painting, I've spend maybe $750 in advertising.  I don't promote myself.  People come to me for work.  I don't sell.

But I'm considering this business.  Because I know the benefits of ketosis.  I did the hard work to get into it.  I'm doing the research and reading on how to continue it.  It is kind of complicated figuring out how much fat/protein/carbs to eat based on your body type and goals.  Maybe this product  would make it easier.  


I don't want to promote cheating.  I want you to feel like you earned it.  It would be like tying the record for an athletic event knowing you are taking (legal)performance enhancing drugs against others that are not.  Would it mean as much to you?  But hey, if you don't mind feeling that way, I have a product you can try to experience keto.


But I absolutely can't stand the cheesy mlm lingo and hyped up motivational sessions all designed to get you to buy more product. It's all about the money.  I don't care what they tell you.  Every single one is about the money.  And even if it isn't, no one believes when you say it's not.

I'm still wondering if I could make this product available and not be that guy.  I don't ever want to be that guy again.  EVER.  I think I could do this and not be that guy though.  Would a blanket...hey, if you need some help with keto, I've got something.  But it costs that guy?  I don't know.  I don't know if I'm willing to risk it.

Another benefit of this product is for keto friendly fueling on long bike rides or runs while you are becoming keto adapted.  Maybe that could be my primary market, with the secondary those wanting to try the keto way of living.

My biggest struggle, is because I know how beneficial this way of eating has been for me.  And I want others to experience it.  


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