Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Some Gay, and not so Gay Thoughts.

I continue to read lots of articles and thoughts in mainstream Christianity about the homosexuality and transgender communities.  I just wanted to share a little bit.  This was actually part of another writing that I did this morning, but I decided to share my thoughts here as well.  I appreciate those people that have inherited this gay is an abomination mentality and are trying to right the ship and flush that toxic thinking that they got from their parents or church.  I want to extend a little grace, because it's hard to flush old ways of thinking out.  Keep flushing.

When did all relationships come down to sex?  Do you not have very close intimate male friendships that aren't physical?  And when did sex only become about reproduction?  Did you only ever have sex with your wife twice?  Because if it was only about reproduction, you'd stop when you were done having kids.  Right?

As far as the disorder...Yes.  Some things are disorders and they are also illegal.  Like pedophilia.  In todays world, a young child can't consent and it can be very damaging psychologically.  So the perp goes to jail.  And I can't stand those that wish death and hell on the perp either.  Shame on them.  Where is the hope for recovery and change so it doesn't happen again?  And a lot of those threats come from....you guessed it, Christians.  They spend more time wishing harm on the perp than they care about the repair, recovery and healing of the one who was molested.  In fact...the victim is rarely mentioned at all.  More care needs to be given to the victim to help them, instead we see people called for the head of the perp.  As if that's going to bring healing to the one who was abused.  However, pedophilia was quite common in history. It just wasn't pedophilia.  Daughters were being given over to marriage at 12 years old.  And they didn't know any different.  It was normal.  In fact, even kids today are primed and ready to procreate as soon as they hit puberty.  But we as a church culture tell them to wait until they are married to have sex.  We shame them for masturbating and looking at porn.  They could be waiting 10-15 years.  I get it though, in todays culture, kids aren't expected to grow up that fast.  But nobody told their bodies, that God created, that.  I'm not advocating for kids to start marrying and having babies at 14.  I'm just stating thoughts.

Depression and Anxiety, if you want to live your life enjoying that stuff....have at it.  If you want to cut yourself because you like it...have at it.  I don't know a single person that has any of these problems, embraces them, and loves them.  If they do, that's awesome.  Just don't harm others in the process.  Guess how many people are harmed by someone being gay?

I can't fathom being with another man in a monogamous committed relationship either.  Just like I can't fathom being in a monogamous committed relationship with any of the hundreds of thousands of females out there other than my wife.

And I bet you if you talked to anyone...gay or straight, 90% of them were neglected and or abused as children as well.  Many of them just don't know what neglect or abuse is.

Did you know that 2 years ago I started seeing a therapist.  They asked if I had a traumatic childhood.  I said no.  Of course not.  I hadn't even thought of my childhood as traumatic or difficult at all.  It was just life.  I had an alcoholic father (who was on again off again with AA and has since recovered).    But then I began unpacking some of the stuff I went through.  After 15 minutes, my therapist told me that most likely the things I deal with today are from PTSD.  Yeah, it's not just for soldiers.  I had no clue.  She said the way I grew up was incredibly traumatic.   I'm not gay.  I know lots of gay people that had a great childhood.

Here is the only science I care about.  Some people are born with a brain that doesn't match their parts.  Or some kind of mix up like that.  It's very real.  It happens.  There are lots of men that exhibit female personalities.  Lots of masculine personalities in females too.  Things aren't always cookie cutter male/female.  There is more to your gender than just a dick or a vagina.

Why do so many christians care so much about gay?  Seriously?  Do you think God cares that you have the lock down on what the science is behind being gay?  I think if a christian that stood against gays and a gay person showed up in heaven at the same time, God would embrace the gay person, apologize for the treatment they received from christians and welcome them into eternity.   And to the Christian....I'm sorry, who are you?  In the meantime, LGBT people have real hurts and real pains that just need a friend and someone to stop judging them and trying to figure them out.  They aren't a science experiment.  Why do we need to be right or have an opinion about why they are the way they are?  Are they hurting you?  Are they causing harm for other people because of their gayness?  NO!  Most people are already hurt, confused and ARE BEING ABUSED BECAUSE THEY AREN'T THE SAME AS EVERYONE ELSE.  And they just want to be loved and cared for.

Seriously.  Someone who is trans or gay wants to just live their life.  They want to be normal and even find someone else who loves and accepts them so they can spend the rest of their SPECK of a life with, why do christians need to get in the way?

There are SOOOOOO many other harmful behaviors that christians don't even bat an eye too.  LIKE ALL THE SEXUAL ASSAULT, RAPE, AND ABUSE OF POWER that happens and is covered up inside of churches.  Churches in our very community.  That's just for starters.

And how about all the fat people in church that don't take care of their bodies.  How about all the fat kids in our churches.  IS THIS NOT CHILD ABUSE?  Feeding our kids loads and loads of unhealthy foods resulting in long term health problems?

So before people go gay hating or trying to figure it all out.....Why not take a look at the plank in our own eye?   If you take all of time and put it across your outstretched arms...we are but a microscopic sliver on the edge or your pinky finger.  But we have to understand gay?   It's getting downright pathetic.

How big is your God?  Because when christians make big deals about this stuff...it makes god look pretty dang small.  Pray for God to help you love people.  That is all.  And just Love them.  God will sort out the right and wrongs.  God will convict people of the areas they need to address.  Did God appoint christians to be the conviction agents?  If you don't believe that God is big enough to work through you loving and accepting someone just the way they are, just be an atheist.  Cause who would want to believe in a God that doesn't work though love?

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