Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Can't contain it. I thought I was done.

Sorry.  Sorry your song got pulled into the fight against racism.  I truly am.  I would love more than anything if we could all stand together in unison and be proud of what our country is and what the flag stands for.  I understand the song means a lot and holds special meaning to you.  I also know that our country is pretty awesome.  But let me remind everyone, including news writers.  When an athlete or anyone for that matter kneels for the playing of the National Anthem, that's not what they are protesting.  They aren't protesting the National Anthem.  Argue if it's right or not to use that time as a platform to spread the message.  BUT DO NOT IGNORE THE fact that unfair treatment of minorities is alive and well.  Especially by police officers.  Like a few in Miami.  Who decided to burn their dolphins jerseys and gear.  And these aren't just regular citizens.  These are police officers. Totally losing sight of why these players are kneeling.  They are having their children even throw gear into the flames.  I'm sorry....but am I the only one who sees the blatant hypocrisy of this officer?  He's all pissy about someone trying to be diplomatic about a serious issue that needs attention.  And here is a police officer upset by that who decides to express his concern about that by burning a jersey?  Give me a fucking break.  He also said that he's pissed because these guys are paid to play football, so play football.  Since when was standing for the national anthem as part of the pregame ceremonies written into their contract?  Oh, it wasn't.  In fact, players didn't even need to be present for it until 2009.

This jersey burning is the reason these players are kneeling.  I'm sorry, I get it that your song is special.  You know what?  It's special to these kneeling players too.  If you can't see that by now, I don't know what else to say.  If you are still so concerned about the kneeling and not about guys like Terrance Crutcher getting mowed down...I don't know what to tell you.  Are there better ways to spread a message, YES.  But there are better ways to do anything.  Just because there may be a better way doesn't mean you get to ignore the reason behind the peaceful act of "standing" up for fellow man.

Oh...you haven't heard about Terrance Crutcher?  Just another victim of unnecessary police violence. I know, I shouldn't be the judge.  I'm not.  The video is.

I'm not lumping all police into the bad cop category.  I know most of them are just as pissed at the actions of the cop that shot Crutcher.  They know this is only going to make their job harder.

But if the guy that blew up a dumpster in manhattan injuring dozens of people can shoot two cops and still be brought in alive....but an unarmed, non threatening, man that did nothing wrong who didn't even have the police called on him but they came across his broken down car randomly gets shot....this is why we kneel.  Kneeling isn't the answer to this.  kneeling is saying that we see it.  And we aren't going to stand for it any longer.

I'll even stand with you, the one who's upset about the kneeling.  And say that kneeling for the anthem isn't the best way to present a message.   We need to do more.  Writing about it, elaborating about it, this is me doing more.  Trying to find a balance between honoring our flag, AND honoring people currently living in this country as citizens but being treated less than...

When my children try to share their anger emotions for the first time, it's not always pretty.  But it's a real emotion.  Anger isn't a bad emotion.  It's very good.  But if they don't express it in a way that's healthy or appropriate and I yell back at them for not doing it right...what good comes from that?  NONE.  Do you know what experts say to do?  Kneel down at the height of your child, get on their level.  And tell them...."I can see you are really upset right now.   I would be too if I experienced what you did.  Let me help you think of ways to acknowledge this feeling you have and we can get through it together."    You know what doesn't work?  Getting angry back and breaking all their toys.  That's absurd.  Right...tell the officers in miami how absurd their response is.  You know what will help bring people to their feet? Start by calling this jersey burning out for the bullshit it is.   You can't deny that this action by a POLICE OFFICER is doing more harm and creating a piss poor example of how to handle conflict.  His response...makes it that much harder for police officers to maintain a healthy relationship with all people.

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