Thursday, September 1, 2016

Randomlings about a few topics.

A few days ago I made a Facebook post about a few random samples of the unjust treatment of certain individuals.  Well, it certainly seemed unjust to me.  It was about a 30 year old white man who was charged with a felony for a carrying a concealed weapon illegally and having drug paraphernalia in his possession.  He was released almost immediately.  Two short months later, he ran a red light, striking another car.  While the women was assessing damages to her car, this man got out with his high powered, high capacity rifle and shot her to death.  UMMMM...he ran the red light.  Just two months later this guy was charged with a felony...and released.

The other two men in my story, one was arrested for allegedly stealing a backpack and held in Rikers island for 3 years without a conviction.  The other was arrested for having a hat with his dna on it found at a crime scene.  It wasn't until a public defender (who was actually a personal injury lawyer appointed to represent him without being paid by the state) discovered that there was 2 peoples dna on it.  This man was eventually released after months in jail.

Most people understood.  This is a small sampling of the unjust treatment of blacks in america today. But there was one person who responded...guns don't kill people, people do.  I'm sorry....but if that's all you got out of what I posted, that's a problem.  The post wasn't even about guns.  AT ALL.  Let's just ignore the blatant racism and unjust so many people do already.

Let's talk about Colin Kaepernick for a minute.  Lets all get mad at that son of a bitch for not respecting our military!  Send him to syria to see what real oppression looks like!  How dare a man who made millions off america dare have something to say about something important!  SHUT UP AND PLAY FOOTBALL.

the only acceptable dictator we should
have in America. 
I'm sorry did I miss something?  What Colin Kaepernick did was in the utmost respect for the military.  Rather than be FORCED to to do something and pledge allegiance, which sounds a lot like facism, CK USED THE RIGHTS that soldiers have fought and died for.  And not only that, he used them to give a voice to those whose rights have been and are being taken away.  Would you have rather had him quit his job, go set cars on fire and loot businesses?   Would he then be labeled lazy and told to get a job and contribute to society.  Give me a break.   Those soldiers fought and died so WE DON'T HAVE TO PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE to any flag or country.  That's dictatorship.

Oh....because I didn't want the dick tater to be the opening photo....I posted Morgan Freeman at the top.  But I just want to say....he's wrong.  I know what he's trying to say.  But by ignoring something doesn't make it go away.  Can you ignore cancer?  Can we just stop talking about ISIS?  Because if we stopped talking about ISIS it would most certainly not go away.  If anything it would make them work harder to get attention.   I get what he is trying to say...and honestly, it might work.  But it's a HUGE gamble.  Because people won't stop talking about it.  And besides...don't ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.  This, has been proven.  And people will continue to act in ways that aren't beneficial to humanity.  This is why a VOICE is important.

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