Saturday, September 3, 2016


It's like a version of Tebowing.

Week 4 of the preseason came, and Colin Kaepernick stood his ground.  Or should we say sat his ground.  Oh wait, we can't say that either.  He knelt during the playing of the national anthem.  He also stood an applauded the military when the time came for their appreciation.

During the press conference he mentioned that he wasn't thrilled the way the media spun his actions as anti-military.  But he listened.  Had a talk with, Nate Boyer, a former green beret.  They decided a better way to proceed was to kneel as a nod to the military.  

He also put up his first one million dollars to community organizations.

Let's re-Kaep,  CK sits during national anthem.  People lose their shit.  Saying he's anti american, anti-military, mooching off his half white privilege having being raised by two white parents who adopted him, and he makes to much money to care or know what oppression is.   Several groups, including veterans called those others on said shit and supported CK.  Says you don't need to like it, but he's expressing his right.  Many Veterans even stood behind him.   And we've had a week of talking about CK and what he did instead of why he did it.   Sure, those conversations happened, but may have got lost among the others.

But you can't please everyone.  Some are saying he's only doing kneeling or donating because of the media pressure.

C'MON MAN!   Just stop.  He's listening.  He's someone that wanted to do something.  And that something was a not so great attempt.  So he heard the criticisms, heard the advice, and is changing his tactics.  He's compromising.  He's adjusting how he's taking a "stand" to not have collateral damage.  Well done Kaepernick.

I think we can learn some valuable lessons here.  When someone does something for the first time, regardless of how old they are, we shouldn't judge them as though they are an expert.  Just because they are a professional in their craft, they are still people just like you and me.  These athletes live and breath football or whatever their sport is.  And as consumers of those sports, we've defined these athletes as only athletes.  They are people with families, with a history, with emotions, with other interests and we need to remember that.  They aren't perfect.  Just like we aren't.  But they are on a bigger platform.  They have that, unlike many of us.  We only have a handful of people.  Imagine if one of my blogs went viral.  I'd be ripped to shreds.  I don't think I could handle that.  I've had a few people call me some nasty things by something I've read.  But I have to let it roll off.  They don't know me.  They don't know my heart.  What they say speaks more about them then it does me.  And I need to be sensitive to that.

I could be totally wrong about everything I've said about Kaepernick.  And so could you.  None of know him or where his heart is on this matter.  But it looks as though he's serious.  And he's listening and learning about a good way to move forward.

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