Friday, September 23, 2016

You Have Rights. But You're Wrong.

So you are second amendment supporter.  Awesome, so am I.  But it's not the hill I'm going to die on. And last I checked, no one has been knocking on my door to take my guns.  And no one has plans to do that.  This post isn't going to be a statement on why you should or shouldn't have a gun and the legality behind it.  It's about being responsible.

I have all my guns locked up in a safe, inside a closet.  The key isn't anywhere close to the safe.  There is no way of any kids getting into it.  The only gun I have outside of the safe is a  .50 cal Flintlock Tennessee mountain rifle.  It doesn't go off half the time for me even when it's loaded.  And if you are familiar with flintlocks...the only threat these pose is would be to hit someone with it.  And to do that you'd have to pick it up.  There are much easier things to hurt yourself with in our house.  Like falling down the stairs.  But even this gun it's in its own case (it's too long to fit in the other one at about 4.5 feet long) behind the locked gun case.

I want to make a statement on open carry, even concealed carry.  And when to use your personal firearm.  Most responsible firearm owners are aware open carry of rifles and shotguns is legal but find it foolish to do so.  It creates tension in their environment and puts people on unnecessary alert.  Guns are something to be afraid of.  They are to be handled with care and responsibility.  Carrying them into a wal-mart is neither caring or responsible.

The recent killing of Keith Scott and Philando Castile had me thinking about this.  And I don't want to speculate exact details of the situation.  Only what seems to be clear among the general public.  Castile was notifying officers he had a gun and was compliant.  He was shot and killed.  Keith Scott, the reason for the unrest in Charlotte (well, not the only reason but the ignition as I wrote about can read about that here.) was shot to death while waiting for his son to get off the bus.  Reports by police said he had a gun.  His family said he had a book.  The police have no plans to release the video of this shooting.  They have some, and from the videos there is no definitive proof the man had a gun.  Here is the New York Times article on that.  I'm just wondering why they won't release the video?  Obviously, the only people that know what really happened are the ones that were there.

I know what some are saying...What right do I have to weigh in on how police handle their business.  Well...every right.  My tax dollars pay them.  But that doesn't mean what I have to say is right.  I may be wrong on a lot of it.  I don't know what it's like to be a police officer.  But I do know that a bunch of people carrying guns on their person doesn't help at all.  When they respond to a potentially violent situation and there may be several "good guys" with guns, they don't know that.  Even if you are just a bystander and have a gun, it makes it difficult.  If they see it, it creates more thought processes for them to deal with in an already tense situation.  If carry because you want to be a hero on the street...go get a job as a police officer.  Seriously.  I'm not saying that to be a jerk.  Because a lot of the reasons I hear for the right to carry, is for protection and the protection of others.   And I'm not saying I'm against people legally carrying firearms.  I'm just saying that most of those, just because you have the right to legally carry doesn't make it right for you to do so, especially to use your firearm in the event of an emergency.  I think it would be great for part of the application process to carry a concealed weapon was a course in how to use that in the best way possible in the presence of the threat.   But really, concealed carry.  That's on you.  I'm trusting you to be safe and responsible.  If you think you need to carry, awesome.  But just because you don't, doesn't mean you won't spring to action should a threat arise.

This message is for any open carry supporters out there.  Put you guns away.  If you really feel the need to carry a weapon, go get a concealed carry permit.  Or just don't be an asshole creating an unneccesary  state of alert for all others.  But oh...that's on them you say?  BULLSHIT.  That's on you.  I bet most of you open carry supporters don't like the transgender bathroom laws either.  You think that if you allow a trans-women in a womens bathroom it opens the door for cis-men to go in claiming transgenderism and have their way with women and children.   You say it's not worth the guessing game.  WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR OPEN CARRYING OF A FIREARM DOES?  It leaves everyone guessing if you are a legit law abiding citizen exercising your rights or are you a threat to our lives?   I'll stop there, I think my point is made.

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