Thursday, September 8, 2016

Low Fat = Higher Fat

When companies started making low fat foods, they stumbled across a major discovery.  They taste like a piece of cardboard.  So what did they do?  Either kept the sugar in it, or added sugar to it.  You'll notice that nearly all of those low-fat foods have the same amount of sugar as their full fat counterparts.  And we aren't talking glucose.  We are talking fructose.  Fructose fails to shut of the mechanism that tells you that you are full.  Eating that low-fat snack or meal....yeah, you end up eating more than you would have anyway.  You stay hungry.  And all that fructose?  Guess where it goes.  Right to being stored as fat.  So the very thing you are trying to get away didn't.  Low fat diet's without restricting sugar simply do not work.  So you introduce artificial sweeteners because you want low fat, low sugar.  And now you have chemicals out the wazoo.   All those carbs you are eating because you don't feel full because your Leptin levels have decreased get stored as fat. Why is your Leptin level decreased?  All the fructose we had as kids.  This is why kids are getting fat.  Added sugar.  Juice.  Goldfish crackers.  Candy.  Cookies.  Crackers.  Their leptin, the hormone that signals satiety, fails to function.  That's why once you pop, you can't stop eating Pringles.

This isn't just about losing weight.  This is about long term health.  Look at the obesity problem in america.  IT'S NOT BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE LAZY or have a lack of will power.


Don't tell me it's to expensive to eat healthy.  It's not.

Don't believe me?  Lots of research here.  I'm sick of people being lied to by big corporations about what works and what doesn't.  BIG MONEY COMPANIES DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.  Why low fat diets don't work.

Yesterday, in one of the keto Facebook groups I'm in, a friend who has lost a crazy amount of fat over the past few weeks asked a question about post workout recovery on a keto diet.  I really can't answer that.  Lack of knowledge about sports nutrition makes keto good for me.  But for people with certain goals or a specific look in mind, you have to be picky about what you eat.  In this case, I don't think there was a need for that yet.  I haven't done anything specific for muscle recovery in 4 months.  Even after long bike rides 30 plus miles.  I don't do anything specific after my 100 push-ups, 40 pull ups, 12 minute plank and squat exercises when I do them.  I just eat my normal daily foods as the day progresses.

One person chimed in that they enjoy a beer post workout.  And that it wouldn't hurt to add some carbs back in since you've burnt through the stores in your liver.


What?  The purpose of Ketosis is to burn through your carb stores and allow your body to burn fat (which is totally safe and natural for about 95% of people, certain medical conditions exist that may cause exception).  You don't need to replenish carb stores on a keto diet.   I haven't replenished my carb stores in 4 months and I'm in the best shape of my life.  So I was a little taken aback by this careless advice.   Not the beer part but the carb replenishment.

However, it led to a discussion about rewards for working out.  And the one gentleman who I know from an online relationship is a great guy and very successful at his version of keto.  But it isn't a standard keto diet.  Which is fine.  He gets results with his modified version.

Back to rewards.  I don't cheat on this diet.  I have no reason to.  I have no desire to.  There are no foods, drinks or treats that I want.  Seriously.  No chocolate cake, no pizza, no beer, no ice cream or any thing that contains carbs and sugars.  Not even extra fruit.  My brain and tastebuds are turned off to sugar.  I'm not special.  You can do this too.  It takes about a month of complete avoidance, but once you do, you'll find yourself happily not eating sugar, especially fructose.  You will still eat small amounts of glucose in various real foods.  This guy said that because I don't allow a reward after a hard workout it resembles an eating disorder in his opinion.  What?!?!  So because I learned to control the foods I put in my body, I may have an eating disorder.  No.  If you think you need to give yourself a reward for working out.  And that reward is food, but not just any food that will benefit your work but a food that will not add value and that you only get a psychological response from, THAT sounds like an eating disorder.  But it's not.  It's just doing what we've always done. Used food as a reward.  And some people need that.  Because how many times have we told our children they will get a treat for good behavior.  Oh, that needs to stop too.  But it's conditioned in us from a young age that food is a reward.  And that's what got us overweight and gave us an unhealthy relationship food in the first place.

So don't call my discipline and healthy living an eating disorder.  If you need to have a reward for your workout, great.  Don't expect everyone to do that.  Not everyone needs to do that.  In fact,  no one actually needs to do that.  I encourage people to break that mentality that every good work we do needs to be rewarded with food.  Why not allow the good work you just did and your results be the reward?  That's the goal.  Break the unhealthy bond we have with food.

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