Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I hate the food industry.

Preying on children.  It's absolutely pathetic.  It's hard not to think the food, health, and drug industries are all in bed with each other.

All the child geared marketing for all the sugar loaded products.  I used to not give a rip about this stuff.  My body and health has always been pretty awesome.  I could eat just about whatever I wanted.  It would effect me, but nothing I couldn't counter act.  I'm a very active guy so I could burn through a lot of junk.  Who doesn't love the joy on kids faces when the are eating sugar?  They love it.  It's almost like a drug.  Oh wait.....

It's in everything.  And marketing agencies don't help one bit.  We now think that a "green" package is healthy. We think Low or Reduced Fat is better.  It's not.  At all.  It tastes like cardboard and needs other additives to help it taste better, like more sugar.

But wait, Whole grains are good for you.  Right?  Maybe.  But not as good as not eating grains at all. And most foods that say "contains whole grains", well, they are there and pulverized into tiny little bits. This means it still spikes your blood sugar.

Just because it's gluten free doesn't mean it's good for you.  Your gluten free foods can still contain corn starch, potato starch, tapioca starch and be loaded with....sugar.  Eat real foods.

Did you know that many food companies put small, trace, amounts of "healthy" stuff in their products just to say it's in there.  Omega 3's, Whole grains, Anti-oxidants....etc.  And the amounts in this food, when paired with the actual food product, you see no benefit.

Real sugar in the raw, evaporated cane sugar...etc.  Guess what?  It's still sugar.  Sorry. you gave up sugar.  But you still eat artificially sweetened foods.  Ok.  But know that the sweetness from the artificial sweeteners can still produce a hunger response from the brain and cause you to eat more.  Trust me.  I've been there.

But back to my original point.  Kids don't know whats good for them or not.  We have to teach them. The problem?  No one food is really healthy.  It all depends on what we eat with that food over the course of the day and week.  Eating options have to be a lifestyle.

But there is so much junk food, like sugar filled yogurt and cereal geared towards kids.  Snack foods like cookies, crackers, cheese itz, chips, pretzels are loaded with sugar and carbs.  None of these are good for kids.  Even the gluten free ones.  Can they be eaten sparingly, maybe.  Most likely.  But who rations out their kids foods?  And why do we even want to train their brains to even recognize these foods.  Seriously?  Look at the obesity problem in america.

I AM NOT FAT SHAMING.  Ok, last year, I did.
I couldn't understand why people could ever let themselves get big.  But you know what, I changed.  I started to understand how different types of food effected us.  I understand that most people don't gain weight due to lack of will power or because they are lazy.  It's because they just don't understand how our bodies process foods.  And most people get their information about things that are "healthy" from the food industry.  And the food industry doesn't give a shit about your health.   All they want to do is take your money.  I promise you that.  They assume you are an adult and can make decisions for yourself and it's your decision what to eat.   It can be frustrating when all your life you've been given certain foods and they haven't really effected you, than one day they do.  And people blame age and metabolism.  Which is maybe some reason.  So you start working out and try to "diet" a little bit.  But it doesn't work.  So you just give up and realize this is life and there are more important things to concentrate on.  Who can blame you?  I can't.  But when I learned that exercise has very little to do with weight loss and that people could lose hundreds of pound on diet alone....SOLD!

Daily allowance is 9-12 teaspoons.  I
hope you aren't eating any more sugar for the rest
of today and half of tomorrow.  
Did you know they don't have the daily allowance percentage of sugar next to the amount on the labels?  BECAUSE IT WOULD BE OVER 100% ON JUST ABOUT EVERY FOOD!!!

Now, I'm not a nutrition expert yet.  But lets just say, when you cut carbohydrates significantly.  It pushes you to real foods with minimal ingredients.  Usually one ingredient.  Your calories are NATURALLY restricted because the sugar contains a shit ton of calories.  I haven't counted calories in months.  I count fat, protein and carbs and my calorie count should sit right at that daily allowance, 2000-2500 a day.  Imagine that.  But seriously, it's not about calories.

Back to my original sentiment.  NOTHING in the consumption industry should be marketed to kids.  Remember when smoking companies had to change their marketing strategies?  What about the sugar industry?  Sugar is killing just as many, if not more people than smoking.

And then the health industry...READ THIS FOR THAT.  Obesity is preventable for the majority of people.  And it's costing us billions.  This should infuriate people.  If you complain about rising health care costs....this should absolutely rile you up.  But dang those unhealthy foods are good. And why are we so addicted to them....we were marketed those foods as kids.  And we kids were very persuasive at getting our way.  We've created an addiction to sugar.  You want to know about that?  Read about sugar and it's addictive qualities here.   And why wouldn't us parents trust the food industry?  For sure they have our best interests in mind.  WRONG.

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