Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Not in the Mood Today.

How dumb are people?  Ok.  They aren't dumb.  But the failure to see the connection here.....let me proceed.

John Tortorella,  coach of the USA mens hockey team says that if his players don't stand for the national anthem they will sit on the bench the rest of the game.  He has a right to make that rule.  But a player also has the right to sit.  So a coach, who has a job because of the players, is taking their rights away.

Do you see what forcing someone to stand for the national anthem is doing?  CONFORM or you will be punished.  If you don't stand for this song, we'll punish you!  We'll take all that you've worked hard for and sit it on the bench.  How is that creating an all for one, one for all mentality?  Sounds like....a dictatorship.

Do you think it's good for someone to force sex on someone? have a couple who are committed to each other and love each other.  They both have some flaws, but one of them is a bigger Jerk than normal that day.  Other is a little hurt by Jerks actions.  Jerk tries to force sex and succeeds.  Other doesn't really like it but knows Jerk wants it.  So Other obliges.   What if this continues to happen.  Jerk knows it will still be rewarded even if they don't address their jerkiness.  And Other just begins to assume that this is how it's supposed to go.  We'd all encourage Other to stop letting Jerk have their way.

It's basically the same thing.  If you force someone to do something against their will they won't truly appreciate the meaning behind the thing.

So...John Tortorella, you are in the same boat as Colin Kaepernick.  Better make friends.  You want people to show honor to America and it's women and men in uniform.   Forcing someone to stand during the national anthem won't do that.  Kaepernick wants to draw attention to the racism and oppression in america and the prejudice against black people from some police.  Not standing during the national anthem wasn't the best way to make significant change.  But the difference...he listened and changed.  He is now kneeling as a nod to our brave soldiers but showing that he's still not willing to turn a blind eye to the level of racism in this country.

I get what Tortorella is trying to do.  They play for team USA hockey.  But, they are hockey players. They got there because they are good at hockey.  Forcing someone with a threat to their livelihood seems like the most UN-american thing I can think of.

Because I'm that guy...I'd stand.  But I'd face away from the flag.  I stood, which is what he said to do.  But he didn't say anything about facing the flag.  And again, it is not a disrespect to soldiers.  It's a nod saying, "I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free.  And I won't forget the men that died that gave that right to me.  And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
cause there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A."  There are people in america that still need their rights fought for.  And those rights are threatened by, other americans.  So my turning away from the flag would be my shot at Tortorella saying that he doesn't own me.  The mans on a huge power trip.

But whatever...if you don't understand where my heads at at this point....I don't know what to do.

Bottom line.  Don't force people to have sex with you.

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