Saturday, September 24, 2016


That stands for read at your own risk.  I'm being totally serious.  This is what's inside my head.  I can't hide from it.  So I try to put it down.  Let my fingers dance.  Sometimes it's happy, sometimes it's not.  It's not happy today.

I really don't want to write this.  I especially don't want to post it.  So maybe I won't post it on Facebook.  But I have to be true to myself.

You know why I write.  To get shit off my brain.  Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not.  I don't care.  But it might connect with someone.  It might not.  I don't care.  I'll do this every day if I'm the only one that reads it or not.  Guess what though.  I'm steamed right now.  Even shaking a bit.  My heart is racing.  And I'm pissed.  So you're gonna read me say some pretty harsh things.  Some of it may be an overreaction.  Some of it's not.  Some of it's incredibly judgmental.  This is me getting shit off my chest. And I'm gonna generalize a lot.  Just letting you know beforehand.   This is me responding to the things I'm seeing and I'm acting on it in the moment.  I might be wrong in doing so, I might be right.  And you may or may not get upset.  But you know what? Police respond to things and act on them in the moment too.  And they might be wrong or right.  And people may or may not be pissed about it.  So everyone is at an understanding that I'm responding based on what I know.  And I'm going to deal with any repercussions that come from it. I may even change my opinion in the morning once more details come forth.  But I'm not interested in who someone was or what they did in the past.  I'm interested in what the situation was at the time.  In the moment.  What did the police know?

I'm not a cop.  I have no desire to be one.  And I'm gonna judge the shit of the behavior of the actions I've seen some exhibit.  I'm gonna be the first to call myself out though.  Be like Mr. Rogers...find the good in people.  Find the good cops, share about the good cops.  But you know what?  Good cops doing their job right doesn't make news.  THE GOOD THINGS HAVE NEVER MADE THE NEWS.  THAT'S NOT A NEW THING.  Doing your job right is what everyone is supposed to do.  But when they fuck up and someone dies....that's news.  And if you fuck up and the result is killing someone on your job, you get fired.  ASAP.  I know I know....Jon, you don't know what it's like.  You don't know what it's like to be a cop.  You don't know the pressure.  I know.  I don't.  And that is a screaming voice in my head right not too.  Cops need as much help as they can get today.  I know.  You know what else I don't what it's like to experience, watching someone I love that has a TBI get gunned down right in front of me for NO GOOD REASON WHATSOEVER.

I just watched the dash cam of Keith Scott getting shot.  I didn't see anything to suggest he was a threat.  AT ALL.  NONE.  He was surrounded by several officers and not one of them could have used non lethal force?  What happened to protecting and serving?  Isn't that what you signed up for? If not...quit.   Please.  Because there are lots of good cops out there that would love if you did.  If you can't handle the role of a police officer, get the fuck out.  And you know's ok.  It's not an insult.  It's quite courageous to admit when you can't perform a duty and back out before you kill someone.   I'm not going to call out individual cops...I'll call out the system that creates these adrenaline  juiced trigger happy employees. I don't know what that system just sounded good.

Good cops....I feel so bad for you right now.  These other cops out there being unjustly brutal to people.  Not just people of color, but anyone.  It's an abuse of power.  But you need to start calling them out.  Call them on their shitty police work.  Let them know that you won't stand for it anymore.

I realize this is starting to happen.  There are good cops pulling random black people over to give them an ice cream cone.  WHAT?!?!?!  How about give them a fucking heart attack!?!

I see a correlation.  A lot of the people that will stick up for all the good cops and place blame on non compliance instead of bad cops are also the same people that got all pissy that the good muslims wouldn't call out the one's that were "extremist terrorists".    Am I right?

I get it.  There are good cops out there.  I believe that.  I've had experiences with several of them in my life.  I've even called police on shady behavior.  I know that the majority of them are good.  So keep being good by calling out compromising behavior amongst yourselves.

Granted...I'm basing my rant on watching one video.  A video of a man who was walking backwards making no threatening movements and was shot 4 times from close range.  ONE MAN.  But I have a feeling this happens quite a bit.  And I really don't know the answer.  I'm just one dude who has some thoughts and opinions and puts them in a blog everyday.  And I'm pissed that one of his kids got off the bus to find his dad shot.   I just see no reason...I don't care if the guy had marijuana or not.  I don't care if he had a pistol on his ankle.  The way he was shot was unnecessary.  What happened to non-lethal force?  Are they not trained in that?  Was no one there to cover one or two cops that could have moved in and restrained the man?  What about tasers?  C'mon.

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