Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I'll do what I want, like believe in the Sasquatch.

I may not write a blog every day.  Well, I may write one.  But I might not share it.  My tactics are evolving.  I'd like to spend more time on different topics.

I started listening to stories about the Sasquatch.  And I realized that trying to get someone to believe in a sasquatch is like trying to get someone to believe in the christian religion.  the best way to do it is to share your story and for someone to have their own personal experience.  You can believe without having an experience, but your belief is solidified when have an experience.  I haven't had a solid experience with either of them yet.  So I kinda believe in both of them.  I can act and live like the sasquatch acts and lives.  And I can act and live as Jesus.  But it may not be the person of Jesus you learned about in sunday school.  And I might not be that good at it..just like you.  We all cast an image of ourselves that we want others to see.  Kind of like the sasquatch.  The sasquatch knows you see it.  You never see a sasquatch unless it wants you to see it.

You don't have to see something to believe in it.  You don't have to see Jesus to believe in Jesus.  You don't have to see Sasquatch to believe in Sasquatch.  With the Sasquatch you can here others encounters or you can kind of get a feeling like something is watching you....that's Sasquatch.  Maybe.

With can see the love Jesus exhibited through others.  What if every time someone did something nice for someone out of love, that was the return of the Messiah?  What if every time a hungry person was fed, a naked person clothed, a orphan loved and cared for, was the second coming of Christ?  What if this was it?  How are you treating others?  Or is it all about you?

Once someone has had an experience with Sasquatch, you'll never be able to convince them it was only a bear.  Once someone has a legit God encounter...they are forever changed.  Stories help open you up to the possibility.  So when someone tells you a story about their reality....shut up and listen.  Take turns too...everyone has a reality.  And for each person, reality is different.  And each one needs to be acknowledged.

Oh...this is getting good.  When a white person tells another white person that racism exists here in America, you may not believe them.  They are only someone telling a story. Something they've heard or witnessed happen to someone else.  Not themselves.  But when you hear the stories from a black person about the unjust treatment they get just because they are black....then you start to believe a little more.  And if you are'll never get to experience it first hand.  Other than seeing it happen to someone else.  Does that mean it doesn't exist?  Hell no!

And for Tierney...if you are reading this.  I didn't get to what I said I was going to write about.  But I'll try to touch on that right now.  Facebook.  People argue all the time on Facebook.  It's a place of back and forth.  It's often times to much arguing that you miss when someone isn't arguing.  We just assume that someone is taking a judgmental or argumentative stance.  I can't think of any specific examples, but often when I would post something solid and someone would ask a question.  I would often just immediately assume they were disagreeing instead of sincerely asking.  But they were really just asking a question for further clarification.  So I'd respond defensively.  If that makes sense.

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