Monday, September 12, 2016

Fake or Truth? Boobs or Buildings.

This will be a shorter blog that I may continue tomorrow.  Not sure yet.

Yesterday there was a lot of shows, media clips, moments of silence and remembering 9/11.  From all the victims of that day, to the heroes that took over flight 93 and those that rushed in to help people.

I love (as much as I hate) hearing the stories of bravery and unity that come from that day and the months following.

But then I see the "truthers" out there that insist that this was an inside job.  That there is no way the towers fell as a result of the plane crash.  Some think the U.S. Gov't was responsible.  Some think there was bombs in the basement.  Do you want some truth?  Nearly 4,000 people lost their lives that day.  And whether there was bombs in the basement or the gov't knew that this was  real possibility but did nothing, matters not to me.  Over 3000 people died unexpectedly that day by an attack.

Do you know that we don't know everything.  Especially us civilians. You can speculate all you want about the things that don't makes sense are create case.  You might even have some real convincing evidence.  So why don't you hop in a time machine and place things out differently.  Could you have stopped it?  What if this even was a "necessary evil"  that if it didn't happen, tens of thousands more would have died in another way.  There are just so many things we don't know and never will.

What I really want to know is WHY?  Why do you "truthers" care so much?  What are you trying to prove?   If it's only a truth you are after...what would change?   If you want more truth, find out why 30 million people die every year from preventable causes.  And why aren't people throwing nearly as much of a big stink about that?

What I'm just saying is...I don't understand what's so important about you being "right".

I view it like I view Christianity and the existence of Jesus.  What difference does it make if it's true? Eternity?  Is that it?  So you follow the teachings of jesus for a meal ticket when you die?  I don't give a shit what happens when I die if it means looking out for my brother (which I could always improve at).  If you follow the teachings of Jesus and there is no jesus, what have you lost?  Nothing.  Because it's never about what's in it for you.  And honestly...And I'm pretty sure it's biblical, that if you spend your whole life caring for the least of these and don't believe in Jesus you'll be welcomed in heaven.  But if you go your life only looking our for yourself but praise his name ever sunday, you'll be ignored like the plague when you go looking for heaven.  How cool would it be if you are God to sit back on your throne and see all these people loving each other because that's just what they do?  God is out of the equation.  But if all you see is a bunch of robots doing things out of duty and obligation because of fear of the hand of God would punish you if you did't?  That sounds oppressive.  And it sounds like a jerk of a God.

You know what that God sounds like?  The people that want to force others to stand for a song.  Sounds oppressive.  Oh yeah...that's cause it is.  Freedom is wonderful.

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