Let me explain. Last year I ran a lot on the Appalachian Trail. There were no stupid people on the trail. When I would some running on the road, I would see a ridiculous amount of people with their heads down looking at their phones. Listen....when all I see is your eyelids, you aren't being discreet. You're gonna kill someone. When you run, you see the cars coming ahead of you and can adjust your path accordingly.

But lets get to the drivers....I still see you with your heads down. I see it in the way you control your car on the road. If I ever catch up to you and find you, I will destroy your phone. You see, you think it's ok. But on the right side of the road, there are people legally using it. And you favor the right side when you are on your phone. You will kill someone. Let me repeat that. YOU WILL KILL SOMEONE. On my 60 mile jaunt on the road bike, I only had one car that didn't see me and was ridiculously close. The bumper sticker had a christian quote on it... "Are you prepared for eternity?" How ironic.
Oh...and lets talk about the walkers. Do you know how many people are just walking down a busy road with their heads down stuck to their phones? Many. That's more than one and less than all of them.
There are people all around you. If you aren't paying attention, you could kill someone or you could die. Slow down, put your phone down, and keep you eyes and mind on the task at hand.
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