Friday, September 16, 2016

ReKap and Rewind

This one is not about Colin Kaepernick, don't worry.  But talking about him and the whole national anthem over has led to a few things....yes, some good discussion.  But also that there are so many facets to the conversation that it's easy to get lost.

I want everyone to know.  I'm not anti Star Spangled Banner.  If that song is special to you, awesome.  I really am glad that it means something to you.  It's roots run deep.

Amazing grace is an amazing song too.  Many people in the Christian community cling to that song as the beacon of their faith.  It moves them.  It's roots run deep.

Songs take you to a special place.  Much like certain smells take us to a place.  It's therapeutic.  Songs do the same thing.  There are songs that bring me to tears immediately.  But others listen to the same song and wonder why the hell I'm balling my eyes out.

I grew up in a christian church.  We had communion a few times a year.  Communion is a really special thing.  But it was always known that if you weren't comfortable with it or had some things going on that were unresolved and unforgiven with your brother, you didn't have to participate. Really, you shouldn't participate until that was complete.  Honestly, not one person should have participated had they all been truthful.  But everyone did communion.  It was rare anyone voluntarily passed up the opportunity.  Communion is still important to some people. But I think for many today, it's lost it's deep emotional ties to the christian faith.

I feel like the same thing has happened with the National Anthem.  For a lot of people that song brings so much emotion.  Powerful emotion.  Emotion that I can't begin to put into words or describe.  But I heard enough from a friend yesterday why that song means so much.  And I can't disagree.  But I'll be very honest.  It doesn't mean the same to me.  Does that make his emotion towards the song less valid?  No.  Not at all.

I hope that in the coming months, years, decades that there will be a song that unites us all again.  People haven't been paying attention to the national anthem for a while now. And it's not because they don't care.  They are just removed from a time and an experience that would evoke that type of emotion.  I don't think it's anyones fault.  It just happened.  But now, something happened that is creating an emotion.  Attention is being drawn to this song that's not just a song played at the beginning of sports games and other events.  And the emotion that they are tying to the National Anthem is one of confusion.   They wonder why people care so much about this song instead of the reason why this group of people is kneeling.

That's what I see happening.  I'll be honest, I got emotional seeing some of the 9/11 ceremonies last sunday.  Hearing the National Anthem in that setting reminds me of a time when we looked at all our differences and tossed them aside.  We came together as one people.  And we all worked together.  It was beautiful.  That's what I want to feel, though not under the same circumstances, when I hear the National Anthem.  I don't want to be reminded of the time a whole bunch of people got upset and offended because one guy didn't stand up for the National Anthem because he was trying to incite change in the way minorities were treated.

I want to be reminded of time with a professional athlete made a risky move with a lot of potential risk to his career and a risk to make a lot of people upset.  But rather than get upset about what he did, let's get motivated by why he did it.  And have a people unite around that.  A time when we see America come together, and fight for the equality of all people.  And we may never see that equality, but it's worth fighting for.  I still have hope that we can do that.

I'm really sorry the National Anthem got pulled into the middle of this.  I'd be upset too.  But this isn't a protest against the National Anthem.  The National Anthem can maintain it's powerful emotion.  Lets use this disruption to come together, rally around a reason to bring our brother from his knees and give all people a reason to stand.  Sometimes disruptions are necessary.  This is one of those times.  Lets give it some attention, so that we can all rise and grow in a greater way.

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