Monday, November 21, 2016

And....She's Late.

Really? Again?  I can't believe it.

Lets talk about being late.   Example.  Meeting with a friend to have coffee at 8am.  The text at 7:56 says they are running about 15 minutes behind schedule.   So what do you do?  

Long before cell phones there was a code.  An unwritten rule of what to do if someone is late.  I don't know what that code is.  I didn't really have to use it all that much.  But let's play a hypothetical.  It's April of 1976 on a beautiful spring morning.  The time 8:10am and I'm sipping a coffee waiting for my friend to arrive.  How long do I stay?  We planned on 8.  I know my friend lives about 10 minutes away so they should be hear by now.   In this situation, I'd give them till 8:15 before I felt I could leave.  You think that's rude?  Not really.  They know they are late and there is no way for them to notify you.  So they won't be upset if if you're gone.   You'll reconnect later in the day via a "landline".   No hard feelings.  

Before cell phones, you should plan on being 10-15 minutes early, that way if something happened on the way you'd have a built in cushion.  

So what do you do when you get that text a couple minutes before when you were expected to meet?  Whatever you want to do.  You can stay or leave.  Your call.

And to the late texted, you knew you'd be that late at least half hour earlier.  Why didn't you just text your friend at 7:30 when you got out of bed that you'd be late?  You're an adult.  You know how much time it takes you to get up, shower, get dressed and drive to where you are going.

If I'm not 10 minutes early, I'm late.   That's my code.   And I even have a cell phone.

Be respectful of other people's time.  If they are expecting you at a certain time, as soon as you know you'll be late you should let them know.  Because you can.  Obviously every situation is different and you have to adjust on the fly.  

Just some thoughts about punctuality this morning.  OH.  And if you enjoy reading what I write everyday, though I think this one didn't turn out as great as was in my head, you can donate to me.  Just as a token of appreciation for providing you some consistent and creative reading material delivered before 7am everyday.  Feel free to subscribe here.
Thanks so much!  Have a punctual day!

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