Saturday, November 26, 2016

Like Soft Silvery Glow

Late fall and early winter in South Central Pa is one of my most favorite times of year.  Especially the mornings.  Not just any morning though.  The calm, cool and crisp ones.  When the frost is covering everything giving it a soft silvery glow.  The air is still and the isn't too frigid.  The earth is lit well before the sun comes up.  There are no shadows.  There isn't any blinding light.  It's mornings like this I wish the sun would never come up. (no, not in that way)

Something about the peacefulness that the morning holds.  When the sun comes up and makes it's presence known, as does the hustle and bustle of the day.  Shadows creep in. At times the light of the sun can be blinding.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could carry the calm and peace with us for the rest of the day?  Let us remember to look at everyone the way we look at the soft silver glow of a frosty fall morning.  That we don't judge them entirely by the brightness of their good moments or the darkness of the shadows.  May we learn to know people for the entirety of their being.

Before you start your day or even if you are in the middle of the day, take the next 5 minutes and breathe.  If you can go to a place that brings you peace, do it.  If not, think about a place that brings you the most peace, close your eyes and take 6 deep breaths and relax.

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