Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Hey there.  This is a bonus time blog post.  Don't try to argue with me on this one.  Well, you can.  But I won't lose my argument.

I've had so many people ask me about this product called KETO O/S.  I'm not an expert on this product.  But I will tell you that you don't need it.  Unless you have cancer or alzheimers, taking exogenous ketones won't provide much benefit to you.  I don't care how much "proof" they give you. Taking exogenous ketones WILL put you into a state of ketosis.  Temporarily.  Then you have to take them again.  And again.  And again.  And again.  Once you stop....no more ketosis.  Unless of course you change your diet and restrict carbs to 20-30g a day.  Then you'll maintain ketosis.

But wait....that would mean you don't need the product to maintain ketosis.

Exactly.   But those selling the product won't tell you that.  Why?  Why do you think?  MONEY.

I'm not saying they are bad people at all.  I was one of them.  More on NETWORK MARKETING later.

Your body produces ketones all on it's own.  We are cool creatures like that.  I won't get to scientific on you.  But when there is an absence of carbs in our system, our bodies will use fat for fuel.  This is by design.  It's normal.  Our bodies burn fat we ingest and our stored fat.  Our liver produces amazing things called ketones.  Ketones are awesome.   When you give your body exogenous ketones, it will recognize that there are ketones in the system and will inhibit you from producing them naturally.  And they are expensive...and I heard taste like poo.  Think of it like a giving money to beggars (I use the term beggar in a non judgmental way).  If everyone gave money to them, what motivation would they have to go work?  None.  Why would they?  I wouldn't either.  What you are doing works, right? Eventually, the act of begging becomes the work.  But what if the money stops....then what?   Right.  Broke.  Square one.  In this case...unless you keep consuming exoketones and spending all that money, you'll go back to square one.  Except in this case...all the weight you lost will all come back.  Why?  You never changed your eating habits.  

So no...keto o/s is not REAL ketosis, in my opinion.  I'm not saying the product won't work to get you results.  But please don't say you live a keto lifestyle or are in ketosis.  You bought a product so you don't have to do the work.  

You know on all those exercise videos on tv in the mornings it says results not typical?  You know why?  At the bottom it says "combined with a proper diet".  And nobody wants to do that.  GUYS.....DIET IS EVERYTHING.  There is no get skinny quick option unless you change what foods you put into your system.

This is my major beef with keto o/s.  I've seen it marketed that you don't have to change your diet or exercise patterns.  THIS IS SHITTY MARKETING.  While it may be true, it plays with peoples emotions.  What they don't tell you is that to maintain those results you'll have to take keto o/s for the rest of your life.    Because remember, if you actually did change your diet to get into ketosis naturally, you wouldn't need keto o/s or other exogenous ketones.   It was created for NAVY Seals.  But someone figured out how to make money off of it to the general public.  And thus began the Multi Level Network Marketing business side of it.

I've been in Ketosis naturally since May 13 2016.  I wish I could say it was hard to get into.  But really, it wasn't.  The hard part was deciding to do it or not.  I quit all sugar and artificial sweeteners for a month.  The reason...I wanted to lose the taste for all things sweet.  And it worked.  I dropped my carbs to less than 20g net carbs a day (this isn't as hard as it sounds).  In 4 months I had lost as many as 40 pounds.  I have no settled at about a 35 pound loss and have maintained that weight at 190 (i'm 6'1") for about 2 months now.  I was worried about how this would work on a maintaining state.  I'm not worried anymore.  It's second nature now.

 In natural ketosis you can go days without eating and have more energy on the third day than the first.  It's incredible!  You can exercise for hours on end with a built in fuel supply!  ICE CREAM STORED IN YOUR HIPS FROM TEN YEARS AGO!!!!  But is it hard to change?  Sure.  But you know what else is hard?  Staying the same when you want a change.  

If you want to learn how to KETO....I'll teach you.  It'll take all of about 5 minutes.  Less than that even.  And if you wonder what there is to eat that doesn't have carbs....there is an incredible land of lusciousness that you will experience.

That's all for now.  I could talk KETO for days.

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