Sunday, November 27, 2016

One Play is all You Get

Yesterday was an exciting day in College Football.  I'll admit, I'm not a huge fan of it.  I'm rather ignorant of how the money works and the perks the players get etc.  It seems like a lot of fanfare and money making off of kids who are incredibly talented and want to play their favorite sport.  They don't get paid right?

I understand this is complex and multi-faceted.  I know how I feel but I don't have much evidence to back up why I feel that way.  And I don't know that I have the time to sit down and really share that right now.  I remember watching Clemson this year and they televised the entrance of the team into the stadium.  I have no idea if they do this every home game or not, but it was the game against Louisville.  The drove the team in buses to some sort of main entrance.  It was huge.  Longest and craziest entrance I've ever seen.  It was a production.  The fans were cheering the players were jacked out of their minds and all I could think of was how much money the football program is making.  From souvenirs, concessions, TV revenue, Ad revenue, ticket sales and so many other sources.  I would assume most of the players have full scholarships.  A few of them will gain great notoriety and have a great shot at playing in the NFL.  But what about the supporting cast?  The back ups, the second string, all the players that are needed that may not make the NFL?  Anyway...rabbit hole.  Like I said, people write books on this stuff and not all situations are the same.  Lots of more experienced people know better about this stuff.

But yesterday, Michigan vs. Ohio State.  Jim Harbaugh sure wasn't happy about the call on the field in the 2nd overtime.  He blamed the whole loss on shitty officiating.  No, it wasn't the 3 turnovers they had.  It wasn't the two missed field goals by Ohio State that he didn't capitalize on.  It was the lousy officiating apparently.  He was steamed.  Furious.  His behavior reminded of NFL coaches and athletes.  Oh wait.

What is college football about?  Learning?  Sportsmanship?  Study of the game?  Or is it only about winning and championships?  Sure teams want to win.  Sure players want to play their hearts out.  But it's only college football.  If you are player and you lose, you learn from it.  You study film.  You get back out there next week or next year and try again.  Right?  But for the school and the paid coaches....they've got much more at stake.

What's the goal of college athletics?  Is it about the students participating?  Or is it about our entertainment and pride in the school?   Sincerely asking.

What did I learn from Jim Harbaugh yesterday?  Just like people, a game should not be defined by a single play or one blow call.  There was 60+ plays in that football game.  They all matter.  EVERY DOWN MATTERS.   Let's make sure we don't define the entirety of ones being by one decision or action they make. can enjoy the NFL for what it is.  A giant money making entertainment enterprise.

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