Wednesday, November 9, 2016

One Last Hurrah

For whatever reason, I woke up well before my alarm.  It's set for 5:25am and has been since March 16 2016.  Rarely does it get a chance to go off, being manually disabled anywhere between 5:16-5:19.  Really cool how that works.  Today, it was cut off at 4:27am.  7.5 hours of sleep was enough for me apparently.

This may be a long blog this morning. I'm going to try to cram in three different points.  Remember that I write my blog to get things off my chest.  It's MY therapy.  So if you don't like what I have to worries mate.  I might not actually mean it entirely, I just have to say it.  Otherwise I'll hold it in and do something stupid with it later.

First.  If you voted for a third party in this election, you knew your dude didn't stand a chance.  So if you didn't want Trump to win, your third party vote was a vote for Trump.  Like it or not, that's what it was.  Same applies for Hillary, if you didn't want her to win, well, you got that.  I just hope you are happy with Trump.  Most likely you were, which is why you were willing to put a Trump presidency on the line with your vote.  Which is fine.  I'm not discrediting you.  Election day is not the day to push for a third party, the 3 years after election day is.  And in states like Florida and Pa where that third party vote was the difference between Trump winning and Hillary.....

Second.  I'm not that worried about Trump.  I do think he'll take the presidency seriously.  I happen to think Hillary would have as well and trusted her just a tad more.   I think the he didn't fully realize the stress of the political world.  He was scared shitless the whole time.  He had no idea how to handle himself.  I hope now that he knows he got the win, he can pull it together and greater heads will prevail.  I still think half the things he said were a joke and that he was just making a fool out of all the people that blindly supported him.  I do believe he loves America though and it's not going to be as bad as what people imagine.  And if it is.....I believe in the power of all the people that didn't vote for Trump.  And I know how I will respond if shit hits the fan.  To all those that are incredibly worried about your status, The HLGBTFOM (the H stands for human and I put myself there with you because that's what you are first and foremost and the FOM stands for friends of mine), ethnicities other than white, immigrants, Muslims and many other minorities...I have your back.

And thirdly, I've been trying to figure this one out for several weeks.  Maybe it's too late.  But if you are one of those people in your late 50's or older and haven't been thrilled about the America you've left for your children and grandchildren, have you asked them how they feel about the America they live in?  It's not the same one that you live in.  Have you asked them what kind of America they'd like to have when you pass on?  Are you helping them achieve what they want instead of still pushing what you want?  Let your kids make their own decisions, and if anything, stand by them.  Perhaps they have a better vision for the future.  I don't know if that made sense or not.

That all being said.  Deep breath.  Burden of proof is on you Trump voters and the third party voters especially in Pennsylvania and Florida.  I include you third party voters because it seemed important to you, so you it better still be important to you for the next 4 years.  I expect to see you raising money and campaigning for your third party since you care so much about it.  And to you Trump supporters....I mean this sincerely....keep a cool head.  You are hated right now by many.  Don't give people more of a reason to do so.  You won, let that speak for you.  Focus on unity and making America GREAT FOR ALL, ALL PEOPLE.

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