Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Religion. What is it Good for? Part one.

Absolutely something. Something? What thing?

There are things happening that stem from a religion.  Like the work my friends do in Haiti.  And many others all over the world.  Although there are some that do missions work wrong in the name of religion, this family, in my opinion is doing it well.  They have also developed relationships with other organizations who are doing amazing things to add value to the lives of others.  You can read about the group here.

I've known Matt and Julie for over 20 years.  Matt, even as a youth, was always extended a hand of help to those that were often overlooked by others.  He pushed the limits of what the church would commonly do to help the least of these.  His love for people had no boundaries.  Now a unified couple, Matt and Julie with their (3) children have taken that care to Haiti.  Some of the 70+ other children that they care for on a daily basis are in dire need of new mattresses.  They are looking to buy 30 new mattresses.  Some of these kids have been using the same mattresses for over 8 years.  And when I say use...often times three or four kids sleep on the same twin mattress, perpendicular to the length.   Life in haiti is hard.  When I say hard I don't just mean difficult.  I mean hard.  Everything is concrete or wood.  There is no soft grass so sit on.  There is no carpet.  It's all VERY hard.  Having a nice mattress to sleep on is so incredibly refreshing.

I believe many hands make light work.  I know they do.  I also know at least 100 people are going to read this.  And I also know that those same 100 people often read this everyday.  So there are some people that regardless of if you agree or disagree with some things I write about, you still read.

So I urge you, this GIVING TUESDAY, head over to the FGO donation page by clicking anywhere on this paragraph.  Find the drop down box and click on Giving Tuesday 2016.  100 people giving $30 would all but knock out this goal.  I'll start.  There's my proof.  What a great Christmas present it would be for these kids!  

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