Monday, November 14, 2016

Are You Happy With Your Choice?

About 8-12 years ago this was what several of the ladies in our close circle of friends and family would ask each other about their husbands.  Usually it was following something said or done stupidly at a party by one of them.  For most of us, the answer was always yes.  It was mostly a joke.

You know what's not a joke.  Trump's presidency.  The joke part is debatable.  Did you hear he just appointed Stephen Bannon to be his Chief Policy Advisor?   In case you don't know who this is.... here is what a fellow republican says along with an exert from a FOX NEWS article.

And John Weaver, a Republican strategist who worked for Ohio Gov. John Kasich's presidential campaign, tweeted, "The racist, fascist extreme right is represented footsteps from the Oval Office. Be very vigilant, America."

Under Bannon's tenure, the Breitbart News site pushed a nationalist, anti-establishment agenda and became one of the leading outlets of the so-called alt-right -- a movement often associated with white supremacy and a defense of "Western values."

What is the Alt-Right movement?  Never heard of it?  Check out the full wikipedia page here.  This is your President and the forming of all those "good christian people" he's going to surround himself with.  

Look, I wasn't thrilled with Hillary Clinton either.  But I wasn't going to put white supremacy in the oval office.  Give me a crook instead.  Oh wait...they are both crooks.  Oh wait...we are all crooks in one form of another.  We are all liars.  We all break the law putting others lives at risk.  EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. US.   

46% or so people didn't vote in this election.  Stat found from here.  Why?  You weren't happy with either candidate.  I get that.  I don't want to make you feel guilty.  You could have voted from Trump for all I know.  That's a big number. That's a big enough number that should do some serious change in the political system. No votes got nearly the same amount of votes as either candidate combined!  

From what I've read, the 18-44 year old group voted for Clinton or a third party, 8% for a third party which is good progress (i think).  And from 45 and up, just a tad over 50% trump support.  Hey 50% of older folks, why do you hate us younger folks so much?  Kidding, I know you don't hate all of us.  Only some of us.  You've been saying for years that you are worried about the America we will grow up and then you go do this to us?  What the hell?  When will you start letting the 18-44 year old demographic make their own shitty decisions?  Why do you have to keep making them for us?  Contrary to what you believed, we were all mostly quite happy with the America you gave us.  And if we weren't, we could blame the government.  Now...we can blame both you and the gov't for the mess we will dig ourselves out of that you created for us.  And we will.  

When I look around, and when I look at these numbers above.  I see nearly 75% of America that still believes in the country and doesn't want to run it into the ground.  We love diversity.  We love freedom.  We love people.  And we will continue Make America Great.  Just like it's always been.  Sorry that 25% of you couldn't see that.  I know you were sick of government over reach.  But I'm pretty sure that you just voted in more government overreach.  They are just sticking there hands somewhere else right now....  

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