Monday, November 7, 2016

I'm confused and disgusted...

......why any Christian person would vote for Donald Trump.   My guess is you can't get passed the pro-choice views of Hillary Clinton.  And you don't want to not vote because people have fought and died for your right to vote.   Well, good men have also fought for your right to not vote too.  Even then, it's so crazy to me that you'd put your pro-life stance in the hands of Donald Trump.  Do you really believe that he'll do ANYTHING to support a pro-life/no abortion movement?  No.  You don't. I'll answer for you.  Pro-life presidencies have done NOTHING to lower the abortion rates historically.  It's just another stance to get the christian voters to vote republican.  So if abortion issues are your only reason for voting Trump...please reconsider.  There is so much more at stake. Don't take my word for it.  Straight from the Christian Post.


Oh....and Trump isn't a republican.  Have you heard the things he's said about republicans?  He said that they are stupid and will vote for anyone that says they are a republican.  C'mon friends.  You are better than this.  Here's some major republicans not supporting trump. I've heard countless trump supporters say "fuck republicans" this is our chance to take over the country.  Give the country back to the people!  You know this won't happen right?  Trump can't do shit in office.  You've said it yourself.  The president doesn't have that much power.  What makes you think Trump will do anything other than make you look like fool for believing his lies.  He's proving you will follow anyone.  You don't like politicians lying....what the hell do you think Trump is doing?  He's lying just like the politicians.  He's tell you exactly what your itching ears want to hear.  And you are buying it hook, link and sinker.  I care about you to much to let you vote for Trump.  Don't do it.

I know I know.  Realistically though, Hillary?  I'm not defending her.  I understand how it might be hard for you to vote for another politician.  She's had a lot of mud thrown at her. this before you vote for Hillary and/or Trump.

If you feel like america has treated you poorly and this isn't what you thought you'd experience being an american...I'm sorry.  But in your own words, If you don't like America, feel free to move.   If you are so willing to throw it all away with a vote for Donald Trump, you don't care about America.  You are just pissed.  And you can be.  But don't make decisions when you are emotional and angry.  The best leaders will tell you that.   Do you really want Donald Trump running your "disruption" in politics?

Oh...I passed one of his casinos in Atlantic City not to long ago.  The employees were striking.  Unfair treatment.  What makes you think he'll give you ANYTHING?  This is a game to him.  I love this country.  That's why I'm NOT VOTING for Donald Trump.   Of course there are SOOOOOO many other reasons too.  My list of reasons to not vote for Trump far out lasts the list of reasons to not vote for Hillary.

For a woman to persevere through the male dominated political world like Hillary Clinton has is remarkable.  It's not like she just walked out of her office and signed up to be president.  I can't imagine the things she's endured to fight for what she thinks is right (whether you or do is another story).  And to see the way she's handled all the criticism and very admirable.  Unlike, Trump, for example.  The second someone speaks ill of him he has to stop everything, defend his name and lie about how it's not true, despite the fact that many accusations are completely true.  And then throw whoever said it off a cliff.

If a man cannot govern his own temperament or tendency to lie to help himself feel better, how is he fit for leadership of a nation?  HE'S NOT.

You don't have to vote for Hillary.  You don't have to.  But for the love of AMERICA, do not vote for TRUMP.  Vote third party or not all.  Let your republican voice be heard loud and clear through all the state and local ballots.  Let them know that you demand better.  That they cannot put anyone up as the Republican Candidate.

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