Sunday, November 13, 2016

Why I think Franklin Graham is a Horrible Representation of Christianity

Lets start with this image.

And from there I feel like it speaks for itself.  I want to be very careful about how I say the things I want to say.  Franklin Graham is the President and CEO of Samaritans Purse. Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ (taken from their website). This is a non-profit organization which means it can't engage in certain political activities.  This can be found here.

"Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Contributions to political campaign funds or public statements of position (verbal or written) made on behalf of the organization in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office clearly violate the prohibition against political campaign activity.  Violating this prohibition may result in denial or revocation of tax-exempt status and the imposition of certain excise taxes.
Certain activities or expenditures may not be prohibited depending on the facts and circumstances.  For example, certain voter education activities (including presenting public forums and publishing voter education guides) conducted in a non-partisan manner do not constitute prohibited political campaign activity. In addition, other activities intended to encourage people to participate in the electoral process, such as voter registration and get-out-the-vote drives, would not be prohibited political campaign activity if conducted in a non-partisan manner.
On the other hand, voter education or registration activities with evidence of bias that (a) would favor one candidate over another; (b) oppose a candidate in some manner; or (c) have the effect of favoring a candidate or group of candidates, will constitute prohibited participation or intervention."

You might be saying that the above image doesn't reflect any particular party.  Right.  It doesn't.  But what about this email I got from the Samaritans Purse organization?

In just a few days, on November 8, our nation will hold the most critical election of our lifetime.
It is imperative that everyone who is concerned about the future of this country pray and cast their ballot for the next president of the United States. In the 2012 election, nearly 30 million evangelicals did not vote. That CANNOT happen again. The Christian voice must not remain silent.
The next president will immediately appoint one new justice and, most likely, several more to serve on the Supreme Court. These justices in turn will determine the outcome of cases on LGBT rights, religious liberty, the rights of the unborn, and other crucial issues that will impact our children and grandchildren. We’ve already seen a decided liberal shift in recent rulings, and a more liberal court will have devastating consequences.
Before you vote, prayerfully consider both party platforms, especially on key concerns such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and Islamic terrorism. Read them here. Remember that hundreds of key congressional, state, and local races will also be decided.
I hope you will encourage your friends and family members to head to the polls on Nov. 8. We know the outcome is in God’s sovereign hand, but we must be sure to do our part and be Gospel salt and light. In many states, it's still not too late to register. In some states, you can register and vote on the same day. Find out the rules for your state here.
Thank you and let’s pray together that our nation will turn back to God and that He will heal our land.

Franklin Graham, President
Samaritan's Purse

He's not exactly saying which candidate to vote for.  It's evident his lawyers went through this with a fine tooth comb.   But it's pretty clear. When he said about already seeing a liberal shift, and even more of a liberal court will have devastating consequences.  Devastating for who, Franklin?   Do tell. You can see which way he'd like to have your vote go.  And if that wasn't enough.  What about this one from a few days ago?   If it wasn't crystal cathedral clear enough which candidate Franklin Graham wanted as President.   So I guess everyone that voted for Hillary Clinton has an atheistic progressive agenda. I heard that when Billy Graham started shifting some his views and hinted at universalism, those were squashed by explanations given by his organization that he was old and wasn't thinking clearly.

Anyway.  Enough of this.  I don't even like this blog.  I don't like writing it.  Not one bit.  But this political fanfare of someone running the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritans Purse makes me absolutely sick.  This is not Christianity.  What makes me more sick is the Christians that buy into the hype.  It's one thing to be engaged in political discourse and to enjoy politics.  But to be so blatantly pushing one side over another is pushing the edges of what I believe Christians should be doing.  Billy Graham wanted to spread a message of God's love to ALL people.  I'm sorry...but that's not whats happening here.  There is no ALL in politics.  Just because the last name is Graham, doesn't mean it's Christian.  Do I feel loved by Franklin Graham?  Not a chance.

You can't love power and love Jesus.  It doesn't work.

Samaritans purse has a thing called Operation Shoebox.  You essentially fill up a shoebox with all kind of School supplies, basic need items and toys for kids around the world.  Guess who will still participate in that this year as we do every year?  This family.   Remember when World Vision announced it would be non discriminatory against it's hiring of any individual?  Lots of christians lost their shit and took away sponsorships from hundreds of thousands of children around the world that could have starved to death and lose their chance at education because of that.  World vision reversed their decision because of the negative response by it's donors, unfortunately.  Why?  Those kids are more important than a political or progressive agenda.  It's a shame.  Because I guarantee the kids on the receiving end of that support would love you if your were half giraffe half human.  They could care less if the person cashing the checks was gay or not.  You won't see this family not supporting Samaritans Purse because of Franklin Graham.  And please...don't you stop either if you already do the shoebox thing.

And lastly.  Billy.   Thank you for your message.  Franklin, Honor your father. 

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