Saturday, November 12, 2016

How to Eat Well over the Holidays. Part One.

Let's be honest.  The holidays are a time when most people let loose with their eating.  Many are still eating halloween candy, then we get thanksgiving that's loaded with food and then Christmas rolls around with cookies, candy and desserts galore!  It's no wonder why so many people on January 1 want to start a diet and lose weight. Lets not forget Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Peppermint Mocha Coffee.  Food isn't just good to eat, it plays an emotional role on the holidays as well.  Most families make the same foods year after year and for many, eating this food brings back many fond memories.  Even if you've had a rough go with your family, the holidays were mostly civil.  And the tastes and smells trigger memories of years past.  And we eat.  And we eat some more.  And it's great.  Usually. But like it or not....this image is the reality for many people.  I know it was/is for me.  Even though I know what foods I can and can't eat, I go for the ones I can.  And on special occasions....the fork is working overtime!

So if you are trying to watch your weight, what should you do?  I can tell you that running the turkey trot that morning isn't going to cut it.  It's incredibly difficult to lose weight by exercise alone.  You may have heard it said, you can't out exercise a bad diet.   It's not going to hurt you though, unless you let it.  Look, if you want to do the turkey trot or jingle bell jog, do it.  But do it for fun.  Don't place any expectations on it as far as food goes.

What do you do with all the cookies?  Donate them or throw them away.  Candy too?  Yes.  I understand how hard this is.  Going back to the headspace thing and food.  Sugar releases dopamine in your brain.  The reward center.  Sugary treats are very good and when you eat them you get high.  Literally....a little high happens.  So it's not easy to break the habit of eating sugar.  It requires complete abstinence for a time.  At least 3 weeks or more.  And trust me when I say that if you really want to do it, you can.  But you really have to want to do it.  Take that image about the cake for example.  It's true.  I've done it countless times.  You feel bad about how you feel, look and maybe poor food choices.  You need a dopamine you go to thing that will give you the dopamine hit but won't help the way you feel. But this is a reality for many people.  And it's a habit too!  We use food as a medication.  Sometimes it's ok, sometimes it makes it worse in the long run.   Even now...if I'm not feeling the greatest, I'll overeat cheese.  It's my new comfort food.  Don't take my cheese.

But guess what, if you don't want to quit sugar you don't have too.  If I were to have one wish is that the general public would stop acting like everyone can eat everything.  There are lots of people that control what they eat and it is very hard to say no to things.  Especially gifts.  So before you go giving a gift of food or drink this year, ask the recipient.  Or even better, don't make a food or drink gift.   Gift cards are awesome.  They make a visa one now that is basically cash.

I'm sure I'll write more about this later.  This was just a little bit of an intro into how to survive the holidays.  Eating right doesn't have to be hard.  It's a matter of knowing what you can eat.

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