Friday, November 11, 2016

WTF? Are you kidding me? HE DID WHAT?!?

Yep.  That's right.  He did it.

I set up a Patreon page.  If you aren't sure of what Patreon is, it's a website to help support creative types.  When you use your mind to produce content, it doesn't pay very well.  And quite frankly, most people don't create for the money.   But it is nice to get donations from people that find what you create enjoyable, helpful or entertaining.  I listen to podcasts a lot.  I pay a few podcasts a small monthly donation for the time and effort it takes for them to produce their work.  It's a small token of gratitude for the entertainment it brings me.  Well, might as well put it out there.  Here it is...and my monthly goal is a little ambitious.  So I'm asking, could you sign up for $5-$10 a month?  Think about it.  It's a very small amount.  You probably spend $5-$10 a day without even thinking about it.   This is a month.  30 pieces of work that take a while to put together.  And I feel are relatively entertaining.  Ok...I'm begging now.  I'll stop.  But whether you give or you don't.  I'm still going to keep writing.  I've been doing it 8 months now.  Every day.  Every.  Single.  Day.

Anyway.  Enough of the hatred.  Enough of the name calling.  Enough of the bullshit.  The battle we are facing is not with each other.  We are all human and living in America.   We all want a common good for all people, right?  RIGHT?  I thought so.  There is plenty here for us all.  I promise you that.  It's time to put an end to the left/right banter.  Our political leaders HAVE NOT stood up and told all y'all to calm down.  EITHER OF THEM.  They won't.  Why?  They're still benefiting whether you all get along or not.  What you really want is a government that truly cares for the people, right?  RIGHT?  Then why don't you all start caring for each other?  How is that so hard?  What has any other american taken away from you?  Tell me, I want to know.   And if they did take something from you, was it yours to begin with?  If so, what did you do to acquire said thing?  What in this country was any of ours?   We have something to offer everyone though.  Love and Respect.  An opportunity to hear each others stories about their life.  I know some of you are already saying...when they show me respect I'll show them respect.  This isn't a damn microwave.  Love and Respect takes time.  It takes cultivation.  Why don't you have a contest?  People love competition.  See who can show the most love and respect.

I get sick and tired of people complaining about some needing a "safe" space.  I think we need to make America a SAFE SPACE.  A place where we can go sit on a park bench and chat with a stranger and learn from one another.   Having a safe space isn't a sign of weakness.  It's not a place to go because you got 'butthurt'.

That's what this blog/project was created for a year and half ago.  STORIES OF SECRETS, S. O. S. It would be a place where people can share stories that they've never told anyone.  Stories that have been kept deep down inside and tearing at you.  Send them in, I'd love to share them.  They can be anonymous or not.  Send me a story of a time you changed while listening to someone who has had an opposing viewpoint.

Oh...and if anyone has seen a Sasquatch, you can share that too.   Seriously.  I believe it.

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