Sunday, December 11, 2016

Keto for Life

I'm speaking to the people that want to get their health in check and control their eating habits.  If you are totally, 100% happy with your health, ignore all of this. 

The people living on the giant ship from Wall-E.  You know the ones that sat on the floating chairs, had food delivered to their seat and had robots do everything for them?  I used to watch that movie thinking we weren't there yet....but we are.  

Why do I think that?  

Donald Trump is the president elect.  

People take drugs to fix things about themselves they could do naturally. 

People believe everything they read. 

Nobody cares about consequences.  Play now, pay later. 

I know it's bad for me, but it makes my brain fake happy. 

You never have to leave your house.  Everything can be delivered to you.  

What I really wanted to say was, if you want to change, you can.  Action precedes motivation.  Are you not happy with your life?  Do something different.  Nothing changes if nothing changes.  From my experience, most people aren't happy with their health.  Both physical and mental. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again.  So many of your health issues are managed by what you eat.  And most of America eats garbage.  Your diet is controlled by a money hungry food and drug administration.  And they are robbing you.  Eat real food.  I'm an advocate of a Ketogenic Lifestyle.  I've lost 30 pounds and have kept it off for 4 months now.  It's super easy.  It's also helped me manage my depression and anxiety.  Your brain wires run right through your gut.  So if your gut is unhealthy, it effects your brain.   I've had friends overcome eating disorders with keto.  I've had friends reverse diabetes with keto.  My own wife switched to keto and makes the most amazing food ever and she's lost 20 lbs. by only a diet change, no exercise.  

So the new year rolls around.  If you want to experience Keto, I'd love to fill you in on how it works.'s not a business.  It's not an MLM.  It's just changing the foods you eat.   I would love to meet with you, even serve you an example of a keto meal and answer any questions you might have.  

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