Thursday, December 29, 2016

Video Game Bonding

We bought my 5 year old son an xbox one for Christmas.  I'll be honest, I thought he wouldn't be able to play it.  But we got lego Jurassic world and he holds his own.

I haven't played video games since 007 on N64.  The most recent video game I played was on Nintendo, techno super bowl.  A year or so ago.

It took me about an hour to set up the xbox.  Turns out I was the one having the learning problems.

Anyway.  My point is, I'm impressed with how my young son understands this lego game.  He figures it out.  I have told him nothing other than basic instruction.  But he actually knows how to play the game and figure out how to progress in levels when even I don't know.  It's a lot of fun playing with him.  He's still figuring out the joystick and which way to push it to get the character to go a certain way if it's inverse, but even that is confusing for me at times.

Brains are cool.  They recognize patterns in the game.  Certain situations call for certain actions and kids learn.  They learn fast.

It really makes me think about how fast they pick up if mommy or daddy is acting a certain way.  They know what to expect.  They learn how to respond or react based on the mood we are in.  Kids are smart.  And seeing him learn this video game makes me want to work a whole lot more on how I respond to certain stimuli in real life so he learns the proper emotions.  More on that in a future blog.

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