Sunday, December 4, 2016

Stop Eating Shit.

During the day I have all kinds of ideas for blogs.  Things I get really excited about.  These ideas are so good I don't write them down.  Note to self.  Always write them down.

I'll just share some quick thoughts.  As cliche as it sounds, we really have become a microwave society.  We've lost the ability to maintain.  We push ourselves and our things to the breaking point and then intervene usually fixing something that we broke along the way.  This happens alot with our diets.  People keep eating and gain weight.  Then they go on a diet and lose weight.  Then they repeat the process over and over again.  There is no personal studying to learn how to maintain a proper weight.   Or they just say screw it to the weight loss part and keep eating foods that give them other health problems in addition to weight gain.   Half the health problems americans have can be fixed by changing your diet.  But instead of maintianing a healthy lifestyle, just take drugs.  Speaking of drugs....That's what your food is.  If you predominantly shop the inside aisles of a grocery store, you are taking drugs.  Ever wonder why you can't stop eating sugar and other simple carbs?  You are addicted.  That's why.  

The good news is that these foods arent' nearly as addictive as some heavy drugs.  Abstinence from Sugar will help you kick the cravings and will ultimately lead to a healthier lifestyle.  But you can't go back for a sample.  3 weeks of eliminating a food from your diet will help reverse the tastebuds and you'll begin to lose the craving and the taste.  Oh...don't use artificial sweeteners when you are trying to kick sugar.  It's not the health's the psychological dependence on sweet foods that you are trying to kick as well.

Most of us don't eat when we are hungry.  We eat when it's time to eat.  Or when we are bored. Or when there is food on the counter.  Or when we feel like eating.  We don't listen to our bodies anymore when it comes to what we should eat.  We listen to what our brains want to eat.  And the brain doesn't want the nourishment, it wants the chemicals.  The only way to stop that...start eating real food.   Remember, this isn't just a weight loss thing, this is overall health.  If you find your mental game isn't on point, or you keep getting infections, maybe you keep getting the flu or maybe you have arthritis (inflammation).  Alot of this is caused by the shit foods you eat.

Did you know that your children's face structure won't develop properly if they aren't fed a healthy diet?  This will lead to a high orthodontic bill.

And it will also lead into a blog tomorrow about the cost of food.  

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